
There's an episode of the "new" The Outer Limits where Alyssa Milano does something similar, because of an alien influence.

@BoxOfScraps: I don't understand your last post.

@BoxOfScraps: No. You could use magnetic boots. Way cheaper.

@Dariendude17: No, as opposed to my natural - read alien - form.

@spocko: Agreed on all counts.

@Nefilim: Sorry, never saw that movie.

@Excalibur: Those are the 3D glasses I got when I went to watch Avatar 3D. I took that picture in front of my computer and the reflection of the bright screen off the glasses gave it that bluish look.

Not to brag, but...

Great... now I have to go and watch it.

I read The Lifecycle of Software Objects just a few days ago, and it is awesome.

Mass animal deaths scrutinized as Google map cites numerous incidents

@wjbean: Awesome, but it doesn't include the possibility that the birds all committed joint-suicide because they were part of a cult that promised passage aboard a Klingon "Bird of Prey" ship to a world where birds have immortal souls who fly all day and night long.

@TheLostVikings: Ha! Thanks for the updated posts. That's very interesting and instructional info. Truly appreciate it.