
@TactakillChewy: Ah, the joys of addiction... I'm happy to say that I'm no longer a BSG addict. :)

@BoxOfScraps: That would be extremely inefficient. Contrary to what most people might think, interplanetary travel is not achieved by a constant thrust, but mostly by inertia. Get the ship into the right orbit and the Sun's gravity will do the work for you.

@giltwist: That's what I mean by an artificial gravity generator.

"The low gravity reduces bone density and destroys muscles. [...] Biological functions, which are usually assisted by gravity, become physical and engineering challenges."

Two things...

@EdificeComplex: So my guess was in the right ballpark. Good to know! Thanks for the input.

Let's do a little napkin math...

@Sarge: I am. I won't.

"That's the problem with vastly improbable events - their explanations don't tend to be terribly logical."

"Exclusive opportunity to rent Boltar's Home."

Maybe Wikileaks has secret cables exchanged between the motherships (leaked by members of the Fifth Column hidden in those ships, of course) and will release them some time in the next 3 seasons. That will probably unmask Anna's true nature to the world, at last.

Lost references aside, mega-millions is nothing compared to billions... The following happened last December 22nd:

I would like to see a map of sea currents overlapping the map shown, because I'm curious as to how much of their trip is done by actual swimming and how much is done by simply riding the currents.

@Keav: Yeah, I know how you feel.