
Unlike you, Alasdair, I've been liking NOF since the start, though I'll promptly admit that the show has had problems.

ST-TOS, then Star Wars, then TNG, DS9, VOY, and (yuck-)Enterprise. Far more a trekkie than a SW fan.

Did anyone else notice the gift boxes in the opening credits, sprinkled between the artifacts? Nice touch.

@despsuno: Yeah, I felt the same way about Eureka.

This is as much science as someone sporting a weird-looking pair of glasses is, which is to say that this has nothing to do with science.

@vinylrake: Not only that, but the 'science' tag attached to it is just absurd.

Watching it now...

Ahh, the Rubik's Cube... so many fond memories it brings me, of the chemistry classes in my first year in college, in 1981. I used to sit near the back and play with the cube, rather than pay attention to the boring lessons.

The microorganisms in my stomach may have arranged my marriage, but lemme tell ya, it was those in hers that caused our divorce.

"Younger great whites lack the jaw strength necessary to bite humans to death."