
Star Wars, Indiana Jones, and Harry Potter. They all already have existing Lego sets; please Lego, give us these things!!!

Ignoring a bunch of technical details such as sensitivity of the sensors, latency, resolution, etc. At the very least it would be entirely impossible because you can’t stream the require video over wireless or USB fast enough to make the Gear VR usable as an Occulus replacement for computer rendered games. Which is

It’s way off.

And because of a movie with Sean Bean apparently.

That’s cray how you went out of your way to add “WINNER” on the beard of the animated gif.

I will never unsee this.

No regrets.

I think there was a trick with KOTR and Mimic, but W summon wasn’t able to be used on KOTR. One GameFaqs user cited his favorite combo:

You might be right? I recall at least summoning it twice in a row in the older version of the game.

Great list, Odin was in FFVIII also, in fact there was a great scene where Squall summons him against Seifer, and Seifer outright kills Odin like a badass.

Some people are really insecure and are very afraid of looking like a ‘dork’.

Because it’s a possible reason why people may end up preferring to use a much less unobtrusive keyboard/gamepad and monitor setup. In the same way no one wants to wave around a Wii-mote or flap their arms around in front of a Kinect and annoying anyone who might be in the same room but not playing the game with you,

I have no idea, I’m using VR in the comfort of my home, not in public.

...or like my mom would do, play as the banker and every time she ran out of money she’d just take it from the bank and deny everyone who protests because ‘she owned the bank’.

I hope so. Game devs seem to totally forget that some people like to play games with people in the same room. Nintendo and Lego are the only companies that seem to remember.

Sometimes people who love each other play in the same house and like to play couch co-op.

My wife and I are in the same boat... we love playing co-op games together, but so few games allow that anymore...

So far, it seems to be just online co-op. No mention of local co-op anywhere.