

Yeah, it’s almost novel, this time. I’m excited about VR and I will be picking up a Vive just as soon as I am able, but the way I see it VR games fall into two categories as of now: room scale experiences, such as Job Simulator and the whale one, and legitimate games, such as Elite Dangerous and Eve Valkyrie, which

Why do we get mostly out of focus videos and gifs instead of basic photos?

Welp, guess I’ll buy one on eBay after people lose interest in it.

The best part is they apparently killed off his character lolol

If you look closely, those stills above are actually gifs of the game running in real-time with this mod on.

I’m counting the days.

Its ok though. Fallout 4 (as with the other Beth games) have their mod tools released down the line.

Now playing

I’m sad that there are no real molding tools available. Though I am happy that heat engine exists so we can bypass silly limitations present in the game.

The whole “coin toss” dynamic seems wonky. Each scan and clone essentially creates an extra consciousness, as evidenced by the epilogue. Why one’s consciousness would warp over to the new clone at all seems like a strange concept created solely for the purpose of letting the game continue.

Come back, guy! You got 200 free Canadough!

those are some A++ 3d models

Not surprised.. but was hoping for the old longer extension topped with a new mode or map unlocked. I just really wana ride a speeder bike between trees is all.

Nostalgia aside, I don’t know if the beta is really giving me the “MUST BUY” feeling...honestly, it’ll be near impossible for me and this game due to Fallout’s release date. I just don’t have the time to put into MP only games anymore. Usually by the time I get on, everyone is max leveled and I get destroyed.

Kinda depressing that Twitch beat the boss I gave up on.

Are you trying to say that Bugs Bunny is Steve Jobs? Because that’s definitely the vibe I’m getting here...

Man, the gif shows a dude punching a barrel, which then EXPLODES and then says: “Based on a True Story” and I thought to myself: Ah, this is going to be hilarious and metafictionally interesting in the ways in which it plays with tropes. The actual trailer was not hilarious at all and it turns out that this was a

I never would have known it wasn’t the actual actor...

I'm one of the few who thinks FO3 is better than New Vegas. Don't get me wrong, I like both quite a lot. And I still have intentions of playing 2. New Vegas had some pretty great writing, but something about the quest options just felt lackluster to me. In theory having the different factions to fight or befriend was