
Yeah, SL is very much still popular even after ten years. With the implementation of mesh for clothing and building plus improved lighting, the virtual world has become even more beautiful than ever. For those who worries about sex stuff, it's still there but easily avoided if you just visit the G rated sims and most

You can take fun from it to. Unless you actually look for it, you arent all that likely to run into all that much sexuality in SL anyway. So you can actually tell that everyone who goes "Oh SL is just full of sexual deviancy and porn" actually went out of their way to find those things to begin with, then dismiss it


"The deviant sexual acts and virtual adult toy disputes come and go, but creations like this endure."

I wouldn't recommend trying DQ X. I tried the beta (the offline portion of it) and it just feels ancient in both MMO and RPG standards. Maybe some of it is part of its charm, but it certainly didn't light my fire and I've been playing RPG's since NES.

I think Dragon Quest is the equivalent of Final Fantasy but created by the company Enix. When Squaresoft and Enix merged it just became one more title in the catalog. They are numbered but the games are not related to each other. It would be hard to keep up anyway since the serie has been moved around so many

Bowels in or bowels out?

When I moved my head, I could look around—which I did a lot. But any time I was moving, I found myself using the right thumbstick instead.

My problem? Pa Kent's gravestone showing he was 46 when he died.

One of the reasons I'm currently playing it.

It is possible, but people will have to actually buy the console and complain about it big time... I don't see how this can be benefitial for Microsoft.

It really isn't just 'because it's different' though, I do understand the initial knee jerk reaction to disagree with big changes but this actually impacts the way I and many others manage our game collection - swapping and sharing with friends.

Agreed. It is all about expectations. I expect to be able to sell, buy, rent, and borrow console games. The industry is changing things and I have decided not to participate. I will take my dollars elsewhere. I believe others will as well.

Finally someone who get the whole thing!!

It's a turnoff only because it's different.

To those saying "well now it's just like Steam or iOS" - Digital Steam games aren't exactly the same as a physical game disc for a console though... You're right in that it's generally accepted policy for PC/iOS gamers, but this is new grounds for consoles, no two ways about it. It will be a shock and a big turn off

I totally agree. I wish it was something like $5 to get into the beta, and all beta testers get $5 off the final game. I don't want to pay full price for the game just to do QA testing for them.