

I was out of eggs today or that would have been the case also XD

Hah, I didn’t go that far but kudos on getting a refund!

Server issues always seem to strike just as I place a lure and fire off incense.

I am so excited for this game! Look fantastic. Bruce is a dead ringer for Archer though hehe

Um, waiter?

Check out my wife’s full Sailor Moon sleeve

Nice one :D


It was just a joke.


That’s what you get for aging!

Even though we already have a YouTube channel where we play together, my son acts out recording when he’s playing alone too. It’s cute!

I've never gotten as much salt from people as when I play Mei. She really passes people off, but why should I play something else if Mei is so good? Why don't YOU play Mei if she's so OP? The salt... It melts my heart

Wow, even with all of the stolen assets they made this look terribly boring.

Meanwhile people like myself refuse to participate and don’t get much attention x.x

This dinosaur is very dangaruss and could attack at any time, so we must deal with it.


Because this was appreciated last time, here are some assets on transparent background. Enjoy!