
Awww, I worked hard on that!

Seeing this just makes me think of Hanamura in Overwatch. I have a problem!

I’m not good at Overwatch, but the one time I got a great streak as Tracer the accusations were flying. Felt great! Shame I’ll never play that well again XD

Really curious about the green beard, but wow - never heard of this stuff. Must have been a US thing, thanks for sharing the super old commercial XD


Here are Norman’s arms with transparent background if you want an easier way to give him things to hold.

What a performance!

Best thing I’ve seen today.

Maybe tomorrow...

So very excited for this!

It’s shocking if you aren’t aware of all the ‘facts’.

They can’t get rid of you! Fahey is Bae.

Shocking news, but I’m glad to hear that things will continue as normal for Kotaku - though I do worry about staff when companies change hands. Hopefully we won’t lose the writers we’ve gotten to know over the years.

I feel like tanks rarely get the props they deserve. Healers almost always get it.

What a legend! Thanks :)

Not sure why this one is funny, but ok! Didn’t hate the video or anything, just not my kind of humour I guess.

I’ve been seeing some great Mercy POTG lately from resurrections.

That is so awesome

What other consequences do you propose? Some sort of fine? Isn’t the fact that the company has to pour X more money into developing the end product enough of a punishment? That’s profit lost!

So you apologise for the delay and give a new deadline in those hypothetical cases I assume...