
Both this album and his last one, All Are Saved, are really special documents, particularly for those of us moving into our 30s and going through the kind of life changes (marriage, steady job, maybe kids) that often preclude the late night punk shows, random road trips, unheated loft living, etc. that served as

The issue with NOFX's run of strong albums in the 1990s (Punk In Drublic, Heavy Petting Zoo, SLATFATS) is that the sonics are abysmal. This didn't matter to me when I was 15, but now that I'm older and have been exposed to more records that were recorded with real care, it's hard for me to listen to over-trebled,

I'm saying that Larry Clark's visual language is beautiful, irrespective of content. I'm glad there are other good cinematographers out there whose work is more to your taste.

Kids worked. Consider watching it again with an open mind. It's fantastic, and it's also one of the finest time capsules of early '90s NY on film.

"Clark rarely demonstrates any formal dexterity"

"2015 has been kind of a thin year for music so far"

"The odds are in his favor in the Hunger Games-like dating atmosphere of New York City, and it’s ridiculously easy for him to meet women, so why does he bother with Virginia?"