I find it so humorous that everyone seems to be riping this and yet Skip must be liked by someone because First Take is one of the highest viewed/listened to show on ESPN...
I find it so humorous that everyone seems to be riping this and yet Skip must be liked by someone because First Take is one of the highest viewed/listened to show on ESPN...
Spain definitely has more movies than just Spectre filmed there. Knight and Day (w/ TomCruise & Star Wars (new trilogy)) are just a few that i could think of off the top of my head.
So I use Downcast as well and am subscribed to 28 different podcasts and I keep hearing about how Downcasts excels with its custimization and playlists.
I understand that once you upgrade to a new JB that all the cydia tweaks and downloads need to be re-downloaded again but is there an easy and cheap (preferably free) way of getting a list of all that I have installed?
Most Definitely QuickSilver and BetterTouchTool, both AMAZING applications that I was very surprised that are actually free!!
13" MBP 2012 running win8 in vm before update battery ~5ish hours, AFTER update 13"MBP 2012 running win8 in vm battery ~7:23. AWESOME
One word: AudioBooks, I am book worm, but since I spend a lot of my time in commute, I listen to the books I would otherwise want to read and that way, I end up looking forward to the time in transit from one place to the other