Rohan Kirkpatrick

There's no hypocrisy. You just flung an accusation of bad grammar and hoped it stuck. If you had something to point to, you would have already.

Nah, yeah, nah

You're not just here for the hunting are you mate?

"NO U"

"You were trying so hard to present yourself as erudite that you were clearly compensating for something."

If by "narrow and fixed" you mean "understanding of the fundamentals of the English language" then I fail to see how that's a problem for me.

God this review is terribly written. Verbose wank which doesn't know if it wants to be excessively purple "he comic book world of Suicide Squad feels rich with grotesque touches and varieties of texture, from the dank to the ostentatious." to inappropriately informal "If you’re gonna make…"

What she was doing was actually really really obvious from the context and what had occurred in previous episodes. Who else would she have been writing to? I'd be actually concerned about the neurological health of anybody who didn't get this.

That's why you replied. Because you don't care right?

No, that's stupid. You're shifting the burden of proof to allow for your crackpot theories about an outdated 200 year old anthropological concept to be inserted into a TV show about a time-travelling alien.


Thank you. I don't think it's Capaldi's fault though. I think it's Moffat's - he simply has exceeded himself. This can happen with a lot of writers when they get successful - they lose all that restraint and self editing that made them good. It's the same thing that happened with Sherlock S3 - impossibly intelligent

You do realise what you said was pretty convoluted and kind of demonstrates my point by being unutterably silly. Good Day Sir!

Perhaps not everyone is aware that Church Of Social Justice dogma is the only correct way to express things.

Perhaps you're all just reading far too much into it.

while Clara's …?

You got racist from "PE teacher"?

It was obviously a reference to teenagers, not race. The fact that your mind jumped there says more about you than the show.

I am surprised that there is no mention of the "Great Curator" and how that relates thematically to the term "caretaker"

"and that much like life, getting married in the game would give him “exclusive content” he couldn’t get otherwise. "