
there are still remote tribes that have literally been unchanged for millennia”

Considering he has the feds up his ass, I’m going to assume that he’s going to go full alt-right in the hopes that Trump wins the election and grants him a pardon.

Jar Jar is a bad character for all the reasons you enumerate, but that’s not the main reason most fans hated him. They hated him because he was a character designed to appeal to kids. And in the late 1990s, telling Star Wars fans that the primary audience for these movies was kids — even if they’d fallen in love with

There’s a tendency to treat hateful Star Wars fans as something that only exploded after Last Jedi, but they’ve been around for much longer than that, and all you have to do is look at the comments sections for pre-social media fansites. Back in 1998, when Lucasfilm announced that the official title for the new movie

at least one reasonable distinction between children and adults is that adults are able to separate reality from fiction.

The hate for Jar-Jar was overblown and Best absolutely never deserved a single shred of the bullying he got. That was over the line and awful.

I thought she was pretty great in Out of Sight. But that was her last decent movie.

I haven’t had a chance to watch The Three-Body Problem just yet, but Contact is literally my all-time favorite non-Lord of the Rings movie. Just an absolute masterpiece from start to finish.

I don’t really have an interest in watching Civil War. The movie has the air of ‘oh look what happens with political polarization’ while ignoring whats causing it. This makes it seem like the problem with US politics is that we simply don’t talk with each other - as if there’s a compromise between folks who are pro

I’d like to know what exactly “extreme left” is defined as when people toss this term around, especially when they laughably use it to describe Biden or any other member of the current Democratic leadership.

It’s deeply disappointing that so many technologies touted (by the people selling them, naturally) as ‘revolutionary’, etc, are not only lies, but also resource-extraction colonialism in another guise.

And that’s what I find most offensive, these tech bros are raking it in while paying dudes in India a couple bucks a day.

That’s how a lot of AI works: it’s just low-paid labour in other countries.

It’s like finding out that a vending machine actually has a poor person locked inside it that is forced to take money and send out the right drink. Incredibly dystopian.

largely because offshore cashiers were rewatching videos and assigning items to different customers.”

It’s fucking pathetic that Trump groveling for cash from Elon could actually work, given that the 2017 Elon that said “Climate change is real...Leaving Paris is not good for America or the world”, but now he’s a total conservative asswipe.

Lindsey Graham was on the news cycle yesterday during Super Tuesday coverage blasting “Biden’s handling of the border” and promising that “Trump will fix the border”… and of course the news host did not ask him a single question about the bi-partisan border bill that the GOP killed just a few weeks ago.

You forgot one of the other most important characteristics, rich.

Yes, but he’s a white apartheid immigrant, so that’s okay. Somehow.

Isn’t Elon an immigrant?