
It could’ve been worse — he could have put this logo on Batman’s chest XD

The secret to a frightening number of industries is that almost no one actually has any clue what they are doing, everything is just bluster and posturing.

So, you’re saying he was never really a femenist, it was just incedental to telling (at the time) a good story, and he ran with it?

Seems a little ironic to me that people didn’t stop and think about this a bit more clearly. Joss Whedon is a professional fiction writer. The whole point of this job is the manipulate the feelings of an audience. He’s definitely good at that. People just never quite realized that he never stopped doing this or that

I’m so damn tired of men getting away with being assholes because ‘he’s a creative genius’. There are plenty of other talented artists out there that aren’t assholes.

I thought the same thing, but also thought it was a very fumbly and convoluted way to say it.  And did it really need to be said at all?

The weirdest part to me was always that, for all that Willow and Tara were a groundbreaking gay couple, he’s always seemed to think that it’s only female homosexuality that deserves to be treated with respect, as gay male characters only ever exist for cheap jokes (just witness the entire character of Andrew Mills).

Isn’t it funny how companies always ensure thy give execs their severances but fire the 60-70 year old man about to retire before he can collect his benefits?

At the current trajectory, the executive team will just drain the company of money, file for bankruptcy, and exit with their earnings.

Eat the rich.

Rich white guy continues to fail upward while all the people who work for him get screwed?

Man, everyday I get older, I’m more and more grateful I develop and design educational games at a Big 10 University as opposed to the private sector.

Success doesn’t matter. All that matters is that he’s already part of the club. It’s why every fucking failed CEO gets to fail again more spectacularly for more money.

Sounds like Phil is a guy who has optimism and initially sells his vision but the Big Bosses chickened out (as non-gaming old grey suits don’t usually have any great vision of what they really want beyond access to private jets, expensive whiskey and Ford models) and required RESULTS, not “progress”. Maybe what

Seriously, why are people still hiring him for jobs like this?”

The Chinese government banning a film for a racist joke is akin to the Klan kicking out a member for making jokes about people of color.

Hey wanna hear a chinese joke? Uyghurs women getting sterilized and brainwashed. Well why are you not laughing? What are you racist against the Chinese?

America is garbage

I had read that Hilton’s constant use of the n-word (“hard R”) was the deal breaker for Richie. They stopped being friends and I don’t know how Hilton can spin that.

She might have cared more about Nicole being rich.