Rohan Davey

Oh, please.

“Can you love someone who did bad things?”

A man walks into a bar, and sits down. He starts a conversation with an old guy next to him. The old guy has obviously had a few. He says to the man:

Her secret? A beer at mile 80.

Lil Peep is survived by his father, Jared Leto’s Joker.

Can you sue a Sumo?

Billy: “I saved $500 by switching to GEICO!”

Neil Van Gundy

Nobody is known more for respecting boundaries then, uh, *checks notes* football hooligans?

Was he referring to the nerdy virgin stereotype rather than consensual vs non-consensual? Still a dumb take but more cliche than sinister.

I forgot to say, who ever the coach is, they like to take the B-team and mix them with the A-team so you can never see the A-team at its full potential.

...and then folks on sister sites like Jezebel and Splinter wonder why people like Louis CK’s victims wouldn’t go on the record with them and took their stories to the New York Times instead. Look how Deadspin treats what looks to me like a decently mundane e-mail exchange.; They publish the e-mails and use it as an

Well, this will obviously endear you to him.

No. He be not a pirate.

And the point of sharing this was...?

This email exchange has left you feeling mighty important from the looks of it.

“Just wanted to more formally apologize for me email earlier.”

What was the point of this?

I write hip hop and general music criticism for fun (albeit less, recently) and this is pretty accurate. It bears mentioning: consider the audience. Are they following your twitter for hip hop quotes? Is it gonna go over their head? To me that’s the cardinal sin here, not that he lacked awareness about societal norms

“And I would have gotten away with it too, if I had just been a little better at football.”