
I think you’re falling victim to the same line of thinking that plagues conservatives who believe we should all be able to pull ourselves up by our own bootstraps. Perhaps practice some empathy? She had different circumstances than your own and in fact isn’t even blaming anyone for her lack of curiosity, merely

I’m from the NW originally, and I went to college and am now at a state medical school in the deep south with lots of young men and women like this. This attitude that you quote ‘“That is a privacy issue. Government has no business getting involved”’ is what bugs me the most about them, though. I get that everyone

Same same.

I think something just broke inside my brain.

Sipowitz , bro you know nothing. You are new Kinja Jon Snow.

That doesn’t seem to be something that was immediately available, and still might not be correct.

Whereas sportsball players are shining examples of how to treat your wife?

Um...I think women are best to judge why and if they need to look at their own vaginas. But thanks for the (condescending) concern, I guess.

Congratulations on your streak of not shitting on your hands, whatever the length.

I am growing a Gus cat.

Their names really suit their personalities. Best pair of cats i’ve ever been slave to :) (Poindexter with the tiny mustache, danger cat with the face stripe).

I’ve been following the director, Peter Atencio, on Twitter and he recently posted this gem.

As my dad used to say about his cats: "Train them? You don't train a goddam cat. Look at him! That sonofabitch does just fine. As long as he hits the litterbox!" Then he'd scoop one up and give the struggling animal an affectionate squeeze, saying "You goddam cat ... you're a hell of a cat..." He'd also take them for

The design of these clothes is like random-nonsense-looking combination of green gear you get after a few levels into a new WoW expansion. Should be like “Backless Hoodie of the Boar” with the dumb useless combinations of spirit and strength.

When you take out your loaded gun with the fucking safety off and wave it around in a roomful of children, then any shooting that results is intentional.

...And to Japanese people they look Japanese. They sometimes look like Japanese people with blue or pink or yellow hair, but what you’re seeing as visual signifiers of whiteness are typically taken by Japanese viewers as signifiers of being Japanese, or as typical flourished of the anime style (the huge round eyes,

Why do people need an excuse for the way they life their lives? Why is it anyone else’s concern if person X works out regularly or not? Many people hate exercising and love other things such as: eating, cooking, baking, spending time with friends, writing, crafting, watching Netflix, video gaming. Why is exercise some

I hate it when people are assholes.

No one needs an “excuse” for living in their body the way they do. Regardless of their size or health level. We all get to make choices about what we prioritize, and often those choices are constrained by things like poverty and family needs.

Usually not the WHOLE baby, but yeah, you can totally make out body parts sometimes.