
Depends on their interpretation. The Jedi code is here to protect the light side, that doesn’t mean people who use other codes to protect the light side can’t exist. Depending on the interpretation of the Force there might not exist any Grey side user. There might be the Force (the light side) and the cancer

It’s subjective so if you thought so great. I thought it was terrible. But if you’re complaint is that this is nothing like the Power Rangers you grew up with that doesn’t make any sense because the short film’s tone is as far as you can get from the original series.

Its getting increasingly difficult to read this site and the commenters opinions on movies and such. We all know that if it was like the original show that they would give it a terrible review and it would make zero money. They also act like there are only two modes... “exactly what I want” or “grim dark”

Man I hate the internet.