
@DaltonAtlas: There is a vicious circle to all of this and it starts with someone thinking their work or property is worth more than it currently is. That happens when someone tells them that they suck because they don't have Air Jordans or a flat screen TV or whatever. And they say "Well, sh*t, I don't suck so I

That the best you got? Jeez, man. Dude, where's my killer app? Ted is interesting but I can watch Ted stuff on my laptop.

Not guilty. Next case. We have long since passed the point of saying "Enough! The line must be drawn here! This far, no further! And I will make them pay for what they have done."

Thought question for the day: You do the same job day after day, month after month, year after year. Why should you get paid more this year than you did last year? Robots don't have egos.

@MrCheatachu: Let's up the ante here. Using the same web-cam technique for endurance testing on flash memory, the mold test should be set up the same way so that there's no chance of anyone faking the results by cutting away under the guise of time-compression only to reveal a moldy burger.

@thebluediablo: Driving impaired is driving impaired. There are no shades of gray here. It's not different than texting while driving.

@matthewabel: We also can remember a time when Han shot first. HAN SHOT FIRST!!!!

@a_of: Meh. I was in high-school so it didn't phase me. But I was in 7th grade when SW:ANH came out and I remember seeing the trailer on TV and thinking it looked cool but being totally blown away by the scope of the Star Wars world. Up until that point, sci-fi world scopes were fairly small or at least they

@bieber: Events don't necessarily happen in chronological order (See the final episode of James Burke's Connections 1 series for a really good explanation.)

@Stymie99: He also said and I quote "What can I say? I hired the wrong guy." This was part of an interview for Pirates of Silicon Valley.

How about writing a sweeping scathing review of every damn flashlight app, notepad app, reminder app, and other totally useless apps for which there are dozens of incarnations? I have yet to find an app that I use every day. Of course I would love to write some myself but it seems like every idea I come up with

Maybe if Steve had hired the CEO of Coca Cola things would be different. Then again, I bought the stock at $17 so I'm not complaining.

Yeah, well, the first major naval battle of World War 1 occurred off the coast of Chile because the Germans needed the sodium nitrate deposits there A) for food and B) for explosives. Europeans had been doing it for a long time before American got in on the game.

Quite possibly, the SW world would be better if there wasn't the whole father/son/Darth/Luke thing, IMHO. It would have made the prequels less predictable.

Man, this brings back memories of the Friday midnight showings at the 8th Street Playhouse in New York. There really is no other place to see it. Like watching the ball drop in Time Square or celebrating the 4th at the Hatch Shell in Boston.

One more reason NOT to legalize it. Sorry, but I'm am not going to be brow-beaten on this one. Yeah yeah, sure, you'll only smoke on the weekend. But you will submit to a mandatory drug test early Monday morning before you sit down in the driver's seat of the school bus.

It's cool but what I see is that it only works on uniform backgrounds so its effectively generating a repeating texture map. I'll bet it falls apart if you tried to say, remove a fire hydrant from a sidewalk with people walking in front of it.

Roight, eer's yaw mowtivation: It's "The Happening" but with bees. Got it? Annnnnddd....ACTION!

Meh, meh, meh, meh, and meh.

Damn I wish I hadn't eaten the craft services burrito for lunch.