
This dovetails in nicely with my io9 posting on my desire for Miles Bennett Dyson awards.

I once drove into an industrial subdivision and saw a ginormous building with the name "Ester-C" on the side. That tells me that the markup on vitamins is also ginormous.

Okay so THAT's why Al Gore wants all those carbon credits and wants to limit everybody else's production of carbon. So that he CAN RULE THE WORLD!!!

I know a guy who recently lost his job and had to get food stamps for himself, his wive, and three children. The government gives him $700 for the month and he says he can't spend it all but the government refuses to let him return the extra. This Costco thing sounds like a pretty good economic choice. If current

Is everyone forgetting "Lake Placid"? That flick was damn funny. "That's sweet. Maybe later you could chew the bark off my big fat log." or "You took money from him? We took a check."

It's a garbage-in-garbage-out system. Hell, even the SPOT locator beacons are constrained by the fact that somebody verbally tells rescuers what the GPS coordinate is. That happened to us two years ago when dispatch transposed two numbers and had us looking in the wrong place.

@wyst: Believe it or not, I found parts of Atlas Shrugged tedious. I was far more interested in the sci-fi elements such as game-changing alloys, funky motors and free energy generators.

@Mr_Academic: Some elements are fascinating e.g. the post Dresden scenes but the whole aliens-are-keeping-us-in-a-zoo thing is dull.

@wyst: Fahrenheit is pretty short so Bradbury gets to the point. Many of the others made me want to say "Come on, Otello, get it over with."

@Starlionblue: What he's saying is that people who have earned a lot of money devote the bulk of their time doing nothing but making more money instead of running around having expensive parties, jet setting it all over the world on a permanent vacation, etc. Trust-fund babies will eventually be broke. Or look at

I read most of these and found most of them tedious after a while. Heinlein had two interesting observations/commentaries that parallel today's society. 1) Powerful people are insulated from the rest of the world by layers of functionaries who decide what is worthy of their employer's time. Thus is the basis of the

Personally I'm waiting for the Miles Bennett Dyson awards.

I'm also surprised that Marble Madness has taken so long to come to iOS devices.

It's not bad but I really wish there was a way to calibrate what it considers "level". I'd rather be able to lean back a little when playing.

Violence and horror are overrated when you already know the main character's shtick. "Aliens" totally ruled and wasn't a gore-fest. Supposedly Scott butchered the original script for Robin Hood so I personally would rein him in a bit.

Good riddance. Look, we humans have been pissing in Darwin's rice bowl for the last 40 years or so stopped every herd-thinning disease or behavior on the planet. Instead of worrying about global warming *cough* global climate change *cough* global climate disruption, we should be more worried about a Star Trek:TOS

What could possibly go wrong? At the very least we may get a new crop of Japanese monster movie characters.

Anyone else notice that the phrase "Yeah, no..." has crept into daily conversation. Well? Which is it? Yeah or no?

yadda yadda yadda

@cadrina: me be clear...Dang...beat me to it.