
Okay, so that would mean that things happen sooner to those of us who live at high altitude than people who live at sea level. I for one will get less sleep over this.

@Harshael: Baloney. HG Wells and Jules Verne were writing about stuff that wouldn't exist for decades even a hundred years to come. You're telling me Frank Herbert was somehow writing about something he read in the daily newspaper? IMHO, writing about the planet Htrae where all those evil corporations get their

I'm interested in this because I recently got a 5D MkII and I have about 180 GB of footage that I need archival storage for. Seems to me that a Blu-ray disc is a sturdier choice than an external drive that might break if it falls on the floor. Anyone know what the shelf life of a Blu-ray disc is? Feel free to

@n3onkn1ght: Name three conservatives who say black people can't be responsible members of society and where/when they are quoted as having said so. I call Bullsh*t, Blame-shifter. Lincoln was a Republican, BTW, and Republicans were the ones supporting the original civil rights legislation in 1945. [archive.newsmax.

What they need is a breakdown by county rather than by state. What you see when you do this is that urban counties generally vote Democrat while suburban and rural counties vote Republican. IMHO, it's never really been conservative vs. liberal but rather ruralite vs. urbanite.

IMHO, the best science-fiction is a story that is in no way a commentary about current events that just happens to be set in the future. That's pretty lazy.

I'll bet people are sick and tired of Hollywood coming up with yet another fantasy vehicle to bash conservatives, the war on terrorism, Bush, etc. etc. etc.

And all this time I thought it was sharks with frickin' laser beams on top of their heads.

If they can do that, why can't they write an app that filters out annoying people spouting off while you're trying to listen to music? Bwa wah wah wah wah wah...

Great! $10 and people have yet another excuse to abdicate personal responsibility.

@cletar: Not quite. Apollo began in '61. There were 16,000 troops in Vietnam by '63. And then there is the Bay of Pigs in April of '61.

@Watermelephant: Actually it started out of a certain degree of fear that the Soviets were developing ICBMs in the 50s. One reason why we were hell bent on getting as many German rocket scientists at the end of WW2. Then it became a matter of national prestige. Science usually took a back seat to other motivations.

And once again, none of them is a practical drop-in-replacement vehicle. IMHO, that should have been a requirement. Rule #1: Entrants may only replace the engine and drive train of a current production vehicle.

Bah!!! I call bullsh*t. Remember that during the "unnecessary war" known as Vietnam was the golden age of NASA and manned space flight.

Dude, you're addicted to meth.

That's a very young John Knoll before the beard. How he found time to raise a family is beyond me.

@Srynerson: No doubt about it. I went into the theater and smelled something and I thought "Who bought the concession stand pizza?" Later I figured out that someone yakked during the previous showing.


Further proof that the Earth wasn't always this temperature and we should waste time trying to stop it from changing.

Meh. That cloud texture pattern repeats.