
Shaky-cam is the Devil.

But can you play Crysis on it?

"and then a miracle occurs..."

@shufflemoomin: Modern dictionaries have a habit of adding words that are colloquialisms. People misuse/abuse words all the time. Take nauseous for example. No, you're not. If you're nauseous you make other people feel nauseated.

@wolfcry0: Puhleeze. They've been coming up with the same impractical crap since the 70s. "It's only 5 years away." Yeah right. That's a euphemism for "Not in your lifetime."

Pretty good but the last thing VFX houses want to see is stuff that's current. People used to send tons of spaceship stuff to ILM in the early 90s. They see that stuff every day. They really want to see stuff that's different.

Seriously? I don't want to see another example of a super-energy efficient this-will-save-the-planet experiment UNTIL it looks like a standard-sized pickup truck. None of this stuff is practical. A smart car is only practical if you do nothing but commute. And a fuel-efficiency competition is meaningless if you're

@shufflemoomin: No no no. Golf was always a noun just like hockey and football. You can't make something a verb because you're too lazy to speak properly.

@shufflemoomin: Only because too many people have used the word. It's a colloquialism at best. To skate is a verb. To dance is a verb. Golf is a noun.

Tip: eFax incoming is technically free until you receive a certain number of faxes per month. That unfortunately includes spam faxes. But you can always cancel the account and create a new one for free.

"Golfing" is not a word. One plays golf. One does not go "golfing". You don't see people going hockeying, footballing, or baseballing.

IMHO, this is a crock of sh*t. How much do these $75k earners save every year? If they burn through it all, they're going to be mighty unhappy when they discover that they have nothing to retire on.

Okay, but since the average government salary is $125,000 we can cut all their salaries by $50,000 a year and wipe out the national debt in no time at all. Genius, I say, pure genius!

I pity all those children who will never know the joys of an Easy Bake Oven.

Yeah...too bad tennis balls are really bad for dogs' teeth. They wear them down.

@Necroscope: The FDA regulates commercial laser light shows which generally run lots of watts.

In a moment of weakness I ordered one of these. A month later it hadn't arrived although they had the courtesy to charge my card right away. I canceled the thing. Now I'm extra glad I did. I wouldn't be surprised that the FDA sh*tcanned the really powerful versions from entering the country.

I don't give a rat's ass about what not to wear.

*points boney finger* VGER.