
@Sturm: See now THAT would be an app I'd pay money for. A massive database of women who already have a boyfriend. That would save a lot of time. But no monthly fee.

Can I haz Solidworks instead? I don't need another reason to give Autodesk more money.

How about Garage Symphony Orchestra? Oh, 'scuse me. I meant to say "Grage".

I'm still waiting for the killer app that doesn't involve another monthly fee.

@Jonas Turner: My first business is/was developing visual effects software. It's more or less petered out but I still make a little off that. I currently design and sell military & law-enforcement training equipment.

I would add the following directive that my father told me when I was thinking of going solo. He said "Have two years worth of your current salary in the bank and no debts." What that translated to is that my midnight engineering projects were generating money and my day job was paying all the bills. It took two

@Eriamjh: Add one more reason to close the cover. Thank you.

Before the argument over whether the seat should be left up or down, I'm going to nip it in the bud. The solution is so obvious. CLOSE THE DAMN COVER!!! That way, the next person to use the device can be of either gender and not complain. In fact, ladies, you should be grateful because you only have to open half

Can I just say that I have yet to come across a really useful, can't-live-without-it app (Okay, Scenic Map is pretty effing sweet). But other than that, everything seems so meh. Why would I pay money for yet another calculator or flashlight app? And sorry but apps that are just the front end to

Lame, lame, lame, lame, lame, lame, lame, lame, lame, lame, lame, lame, lame, lame, lame, lame, lame, lame, lame, lame, lame, lame, lame, lame, lame, lame, lame, LAME!!!!!!!!!!

Yet ANOTHER monthly fee for something! GAH!!!!! It's getting to the point where you can't actually pay for something ONCE and own it outright. Feh!

He starts a statement with the words "Let me be clear"

Of course the assumption here is that A) geeks have girlfriends and B) they don't do something really stupid to screw up the relationship.

You can get them at the Titan Missle Museum in Tucson, AZ along with a radiation detector and irradiated marbles that are lime green. I highly recommend a visit here. Star Trek: First Contact was filmed there.

@38thsignal: You're missing my point. His business advice is pretty useless because hard work IS self-evident. The business he created may not have been self-evident but you probably won't be able to make much money duplicating it because it's already been done. What he doesn't tell you is how he was able to

But the real question is are they worth anything on Ebay?

@38thsignal: But my point is that his "business advice" one-liner is pretty useless. Sure his idea works but clearly he was able to A) convince the software companies to give him a discount and B) convince the consumer to buy what he's selling.

"Hi, I'm Roger Pasquire. I became a millionaire at 25, doubled it by 35, and retired at 45. How did I do it? By finding good ideas and THEN taking action to make money."

I may have figured out what they're going to use this stuff for: new keyboard keys whose lettering won't wear off.

Yeah yeah, blah blah blah. We know you're an Android fanboy so let me say this: 15 years ago everybody KNEW that Microsoft was going to kill Apple completely. I bought the stock at $17 a share. Now it's over $250. Suck on that.