
They gotta put in footage of the Golden Era site out in Hemet. That place is ginourmous.

@The_Red_Monkey: I'm saying that professionally, we have nothing in common. IMHO, eHarmony should have picked up on that. I've known too many couples who have huge fights because one person has no concept of what the other person is going through in their professional life.

I gave up on internet dating sites when every woman said precisely the same thing: "I want a guy between 5'8" and 6'2"". Not 5'7". Not 6"1'. That told me that they're all pretty closed-minded prima donnas who think they're the cat's tits. Reminds me of a 20/20 segment a few years ago on womens' bias against dating

I "deem" myself to have won the Powerball. I'll take the lump sum payment, thank you.

@danhughes: neither is libary or febuary and I won't even bother to comment on 'idear'

@mastrgamr: That's one of those super-annoying words that isn't pronounced anything like it's spelled. It should be kyou-you.

@RogueWarrior: When you get into your late 30s and early 40s, you start watching your friends go through divorces and generally they aren't pretty. Those are they days when you're glad you don't have that problem. Add to that the state of the economy and you're glad you only have yourself to support. On the other

So how does that explain my reluctance to get involved at all?

Jeez, just one of those compact prime lenses costs almost four grand. I've heard of optic snobs extolling the virtues of Swarovski or Leica glass but seriously, how good can it be? Will it make my BBQ snapshots worthy of being published in National Geographic?

That's so effing stupid. You don't go to GM with a part made for a Ford and demand they make it work. It's Apple's product. It's Apple's API. Don't like it? Go sell your app on a Droid.

I see a burgeoning market for fake finger tips.

@RogueWarrior: See now, deciding to call it "climate change" tells me that it's even more full of shit than before. Why? Any change and they can say "See? SEE?? SEE?!?!?! We were right all along...give us all your money." It's akin to astrology.

Why is it that whenever there's a massive oil leak in the Gulf, Clinton wants to nuke it?

Oh sure, because planetary orbits are constant. I think Einstein would have a problem with that. Oh and the sun's output is constant...yeah right. Nope nope nope, it's those evil humanoids who are a fungus on the foot of Mother Earth. What a crock of shit.

Can we have an app for that PLEASE!?!?! I'm still baffled that the iPhone doesn't have a one-touch way to google (or something) a phone number I don't recognize.

Of course this begs the question: after 10-15 years of WYSIWYG editor development, why aren't these perfect? Why are people STILL coding stuff by hand? You'd think a company like Adobe would kill for that since it would crush the competition and they certainly have the resources to do it.

What this tells me is that global warming is bullsh*t. Clearly the Earth was warmer 10,000 years ago than it is today and that spear has been frozen ever since.

Note to all manufacturers of digital fancy-shmancy meat thermometers: 135 degrees is NOT, repeat NOT Rare, dammit!!! That's approaching shoe-leather for one. I swear if I hear one more goddamn trial lawyer ruining the fun for everybody I'll...but I digress. More importantly, the temperature coasts quite a bit, as

Yeah, man, but it's a dry heat.

I'd rather see some real bloopers from the show.