
@ceti: Uh, no, it's not: from the wikipedia entry "Fascism is normally described as "extreme right",[42] although some writers have found placing fascism on a conventional left-right political spectrum difficult.[43] There is a scholarly consensus that fascism was influenced by both the left and the right.[10] A

@lightninglouie: They wouldn't have sold them unless they were worried that groups like ACORN would publicly brand them as racists if they didn't. That doesn't totally absolve them. The mortgage companies sold off their mortgages to make money which is what they're in business to do. What they should have done is

@lightninglouie: They make them available but A) you have to request it in advance and B) the rest of the plane isn't forced to eat the kosher meal. Most people scoff at the idea that little things lead to totalitarianism but in every historical case it didn't happen overnight. It happened by degrees. Small steps.

@chuffer: Yep, and if you get a good one, a 50 BMG Barrett is at best a 2-minute gun with match ammo.

Either my monitor is effed or this chart is totally wrong. Mace Windu's saber is purple because he asked George if it could be purple. It's in the behind-the-scenes footage. Obi-wan's and Luke's father's is blue. Jeez.

@ceti: I see your lips moving but all I here is "bwa wa wa wa wa wa". Illegal war? Where? The fact that Saddam violated U.N. sanctions numerous times gives the members of the security council the legal authority to invade. Fascism? Pfft. People throw that word around like the know what it means. Read the

@lightninglouie: That's not PC. The handicapped have no choice. On the other hand, installing foot baths in airports so Muslims can practice their faith IS a matter of choice. If they choose that religion, no one else should be forced to accommodate them. You don't see Jews demanding that kosher food be provided

@ceti: Australia is the key.

I generally have one problem with sequels to horror movies and that is in the first one you have no clue what's going on for the first act and you have no clue who or what the scary thing is. In a sequel, you already know. Here we already know the Predators are total badasses with alien features and cool technology

That's all well and good but will I finally be able to watch a whole playlist in fullscreen? That's been broken for a long time now.

Can I use 'shutdown' or 'kill' for all of Google? That would be cool.

Give me Solidworks and Quickbooks Premiere and I'll be able to pitch Bootcamp.

Damn...Kiki Stockhammer... former spokeschick for Newtek and Play. *shudder*

@advancedatheist: My point is that Rand pointed out that if you have all the energy you need within your own borders and don't need to pay anyone anything for it, you don't have to do what some other society tells you.

@SynicVance2.0: Actually, she did. In the book, Reardon's chief competitor lobbies the government to force him to divulge the formula of his new alloy.

A modest proposal: All those who believe that the Earth is over-populated, believe in global warming, believe humans are the cause of everything that is wrong in the world need to set the example for the rest of us and commit suicide...for the good of the planet. The rest of us are behind you all the way. No really,

Actually, this is complete bullshit. My mother grew up in Soviet Russia and you went to summer camp to gain weight not lose it.

Isn't this similar to Vagina Dentata?

Or you could just break up with her.

Rand was remarkably prescient in presenting a free-energy power source for Galt's Gulch. That society could never have existed without it. Energy independence is key to a society that doesn't have to kow tow to the whims of societies that don't earn what they have but steal it from those who do. IMHO, we are seeing