
I had one of these as my second car. It was used. But it was a lot of fun. I drove it until my mechanic told my wife if she loved me she had to insist it was time to junk it. The rust was so bad it wasn’t safe anymore. The entire frame was rotten. That turbo was so much fun. And there wasn’t weather made to stop it.

No one died. I’m opposed to killing for oil. Also, arming religio-fascist dictators.

I scrolled all the way through the replies to see if you brought the receipts. My faith trolls is not shaken. Good job, Trolly.

My kids are on the spectrum too, and they’re nothing like that. If you know one kid on the spectrum, you know one kid on the spectrum. Don’t generalize.

Sure it is. Make it illegal to carry them, make it illegal to transfer ownership of them even as part of an estate. It won’t be fast, but it will happen.

I wonder if this will finally be a bridge too far for the Scots.

As Professor Small explained in my first Composition course, there are more than a 170,000 words in the English language. Don’t hesitate to use the best. My journalism leg of my degree made me understand that American’s are doomed because we can’t be expected to communicate above a 4th grade level without sounding

Your comprehensive list forgets things like mandate digitizing databases which are currently paper file only, by like, you know, law. And staffing the ATF. And permitting the CDC to actually study gun violence. It’s pretty much not comprehensive, frankly.

But you’re on to something. All illegal gun owners got their

He only comes across as reasonable in that exchange if it existed in a vacuum. It does not. He does not warrant an explication of Kalaf’s criticism. The thing about the quality of being stupid is it isn’t the same as being ignorant. One possessed of ignorance can learn.

As a very much progressive liberal I ask you for your evidence that Democrats care about people? I think they engage in empathy theater while also sucking down donor money.

This is simple. It comes down to money. Kids are pretty much the only demo that can dedicate that kind of time. But, who’s got the money to buy the kids their games? Just happens that this generation of parents are also lifelong gamers. Who plays destiny still anyway?

Say what you want about Homer, but he was *always* there. Not all of us got that lucky.

This is amusing. He’s a person. He makes mistakes. His apology actually follows the exact guidelines Lifehacker published once upon a time. Identify the error. Apologize for the error. Elucidate upon how you will not repeat the error. It’s a pretty good apology, for a tweet. Who fucking reads tweets?

Further, shock,

Sure, but we should take all the “God called me to serve...” folks as genuine adults though, right?

Oh yes. You have an excellent point. Allow me to consider this situation and see if I need to rethink my long held positions I’ve accidentally stumbled... Nope. Oh wait, maybe it’s that Pelosi has spent more energy *only* attacking her colleagues of color while our Agent Orange goes unchallenged? Hmmm. It doesn’t

Why, I believe you’re correct about how the leaders of most elite institutions are currently barely qualified to operate a coffee pot. Notice that these institutions are having embarrassment after embarrassment hit the news? Financial collapse, abuse of trust, failure to secure private data? Why just about all of the

Grown Man Has Temper Tanrtum, Keeps Job
Fixed your headline.
I resent the assertion that there is an appropriate level of “mad” where you can throw things. He lost control. If he lost control while mad at coaches, I’ll be he does it at family members, children, dogs, and bad hands of Go Fish.

Former assistant brewer, these are my exact experiences. The industry banks on it’s social capital to justify underpaying and over working. Never mind safety issues. Never mind sexual misconduct. If you start pulling this thread the industry will unravel. Brace yourselves.

That, right there, is the truth everyone wants to bury so they can try it again. It doesn’t matter. I seriously doubt a blue wave even get sworn in at this point. This will all end in the GoP saying, “Yeah, so? What are you going to do about it? Nothing. That’s what.”