
Oh, 300 was great for what it was. It was also around a half dozen movies or so ago, and marks one of the two high points in Snyder’s career.

I don’t care if he’s Chris Damn Pratt. No actor is good enough to justify keeping that character alive.

...No. No he isn’t. He’s an unbelievable plot hole that walks and talks and needs to die because there’s no way in which the heroes are dumb enough to think he’s still somehow useful.

Pretty much.

That’s my point. I’m pointing out that one of the most recent (and one of the most successful) portrayals of Batman on film got it, DC is clearly patterning their new films after Nolan’s work, and yet Batman is more murder happy than someone who has murder-gasms when they murder. I never said The Dark Knight was

I think I’m the only one who felt like this was a decent payoff. Her death scene could’ve been handled better, but based on what we got this season, her being dead does work.

Huh...It’s like you ignored my entire point, just to make a bad joke.

I think Ms. Collins is absolutely right. While you have to nail the entire thing, those first five to ten minutes are going to set the tone for everything that comes after. If they stick the landing on every single story beat that comes after, but totally flub the beginning, I think it’ll color the entire thing.

I don’t honestly get people who enjoy Snyder’s DC films. They’re joyless, bland fare, that does very little to recommend itself, and takes some staggering liberties as well. I mean...There’s an entire scene (some people would say this scene is the center of the film) in The Dark Knight where The Joker tries (like,

If they give me a half-assed Mara, I will be pissed. Mara is epic, not some half-assed back story for a new character.

Well, given that Episode III still exists, and Palpatine makes oblique mention of it in both the film and the novel, as well as Dooku flat out thinking it at the beginning of the novel...Yeah, it’s still there. We just haven’t gotten all the supplemental material to make it apparent we had in the Real EU.

No, Chuck Wendig is just a bad writer. When I heard this one was rushed to publishing, I went and found a few of his other books online.

It’s more likely that they’re going to annouce that this trailer was all an elaborate prank and the real movie actually is about Rogue Squadron.


First and most importantly, fuck Aftermath and Chuck Wendig. That book is a travesty on par with The Glove of Darth Vader. It kills me that he’s going to be allowed to write two more of those abominations.

There’s a Chinese buffet near me that’s not far off the mark on this. They charge 7.99 for every pound of food you take from the buffet and don’t eat.

I was Rogue Nine way before Disney decided to steal the name of the best squadron ever and turn it into a heist movie. And no, I’m not trolling. In the Real EU, you basically had ISB officers and Grand Admirals in white uniforms. I suppose he could be with the ISB, but that’s less exciting than re-canonizing the Grand

The whole point of Thrawn was to completely smash the “Empire of Humanity” predjudice Palpatine had going, because he was elevated by Palpatine himself. Turning Thrawn human would be the rough Star Wars equivalent of making a movie about Martin Luther King, Jr. and having him played by a white guy.

Someone else may have already said this, but the white uniform makes him look a bit like a Grand Admiral. Not exactly, I’ll admit, but very very similar.

That’d require this film to actually be about Rogue Squadron, which is clearly isn’t. So screw Disney for playing with my emotions, I guess?