After complaining about Evansville for years, and then moving to Boston, you are correct.
After complaining about Evansville for years, and then moving to Boston, you are correct.
You realize CAH itself is just a knockoff, right?
I can’t be the only self-professed nerd who feels like setting all games like this on fire, can I? No more... please...
Good luck :) And congrats! I’m 28 weeks and starting to get a wee bit freaked out.
She buys white wine in bulk.
Whoops, you’ve been undergoing chemo, have no hair and also had a mastectomy so you have no breasts? Fuck you, get out of the bathroom.
Well, and even as she tries to claim we are all both, she still takes a bit of a swipe at the wife by saying she, as the other woman, got the best and most honest of the men. Which... just quit. Stop.
The worst of it is, he doesn’t seem like a bad dude, just a stupid dude.
My husband and I have been watching every news item like a sl0w-mo trainwreck. Bleach, hand sanitizer, preventative shots out the wazoo, water that no sane person would touch with a twenty-foot oar... it’s insane.
Oh God, that cat wine is awful though :(
Wasn’t he in his mid-20s by the time they got together? Some people have been married and divorced by that time. He was capable of having experienced other healthy, adult relationships prior to this, so I think that’s a broad assumption to make.
I have friends who are seriously researching moving to New Zealand because of politics. I said “If you found out your home that you loved was infested by roaches, you wouldn’t just say ‘let the roaches have it’. You stay and fog the bastards out.” It’s cheap, it’s privileged, and it cheapens the stated destination…
Most of the work on KoA was done by other folks before he bought them, so don’t feel too bad. And many of the people working for his studio were talented, passionate people who didn’t deserve what ended up happening.
A freedom has not been lost. You have the freedom to say what you want without legal repercussions. You do not have the freedom to say what you want without other repercussions. If your employer feels you are a poor reflection on them, you can be canned regardless of who you are. Anything else is not a freedom that is…
6 months into pregnancy and already fielding crap like this... I feel you. It scares the shit out of me that I will let life push me into this box of ONLY CHILD NO MORE IDENTITY. Thank God I have friends who will keep watch on that.
Thank you for this. I’m 6 months pregnant and fielding questions from casual acquaintances about why I’m not narrating every moment on Facebook and why I haven’t made a big deal out of it. Because I’m excited, but this cannot also be my entire existence and identity forever.
I am 12, because this— and the visual accompanying it— made me laugh out loud.
I don’t think having a side chick is more dubious than having one. I think it’s equal footing if you know you’re party to someone deceiving their spouse. He deserves a lot of flak, but let’s be real, it’s not like in a situation like this, she went into it not knowing he was married or thinking it was cool with the…
(and he’s having so much fun)