
My MIL wore a white and silver beaded dress to my wedding. Oh yes, she did. And brought along a racy red dress for a costume change for the reception. A COSTUME CHANGE.

Hah! In all fairness, I didn’t see your post the first time around. I’m happy to concede that getting water up in the balls area might be worse because it requires more complicated drying off. But the purse-reach is a guaranteed trigger. As would be, I would think, doing a “The Thinker” pose while trying to crap.

Being a woman makes this the worst. Need to reach into your purse for a tampon? HAHA FLUSH. Now you have toilet water all over your ass and bits. Enjoy. God damn it.

I didn’t want to DIE.

Not a mishap so much, but a few years ago I was out for a friend’s 21st birthday party. We ended up at a piano bar, and the guy on the mic was making damn sure my friend was getting all manner of attention, up to and including shouting into the mic every time my friend tried to drink water (or anything other than


My eyes just went: O.O and I gasped out loud.

The only reason I clicked this article was to come to the comments in the hopes that someone addressed this. Thank you.

What the hell kind of bet is that?!

If I had to guess— and it is just that, a guess, as since this storyline has departed from the books, I’m not sure where they’re going with it— I would assume this scene was in the service of a wake-up call to Sansa. Thanks to Littlefinger’s idiocy, she’s of the opinion that she can use her wiles and her history to

The fact that a grown-ass man texts like a 15-year-old? To me, that’s gross.

So she’s gross, but he’s not?

It’s gross as hell when you consider that he’s carrying this on with a girl over whom he, presumably, wields a not insignificant amount of influence and power, given her internship and given his position.

Is it really relevant if it’s a “good sign” or not? This was a dick move.

Nah, it’s the same mindset that leads people to do those sorts of things. It might not be as severe or dangerous, but it’s the exact same type of person who does this shit because they think it’s “funny.”

As much as I think Roethlisberger sucks, the word allegation there speaks volumes. I’m frankly shocked the league handed him any punishment at all, given it wasn’t something they (they being the league) proved.

Pure WONTON waste, am I right?

Totally unrelated, but Jolie, you magical creature... I finally tried a dryer sheet on the glass shower door, and holy hell, it’s AMAZING. You are the best.

I went back and read the lead-in of this piece at least three times because, as I was reading the texts, I could not make myself believe this is how grown men text/speak.

If you talk louder to someone and spell things out because you have assumed that, because they are a different race, they don’t speak English, then that’s a bit more than “they didn’t know any better.”