
That's definitely not Tiger Balm!

Can't agree more with this…aside from the fact that there are people who are legitimately tone deaf. No amount of practice and training can fix that, falls along the same lines as color blindness.

"If you're not having fun you're doing it wrong." I honestly can't say for sure if I made this up on my own or stole it from some source sometime last year, but it's my basic life motto anymore, but especially in regards to work. The life of a kitchen professional is always an uphill battle (well, that's perhaps a

Nah, it's important because that's where the AV Club is!!!

Abraham Lincoln fully endorses this on his blog.

My heart will truly go on now!!

Let the typecasting begin!!!


I grew up a block away from a small liberal arts college and before my mom got ultra religious circa 1982 our house would get random groups of college kids dressed up and saying "Trick or Beer!" when the door would open.

And those damn oxygen masks!!

A shrubbery?!?

I actually came to ask the same question. It's also been nearly 20 years since I last saw it, so my memory is a bit foggy. Long overdue for a rewatch of that and City of Lost Children.

I actually just watched Excalibur for the first time in years a couple weeks ago and immediately appreciated the throwback that I'm sure very few people noticed. Finally catching up on the last two episodes and I wouldn't find Starz finding a way to keep this series going for however long the cast keeps it together.

Cant even imagine what kind of rating the MPAA would slap on that!

Are we still doing this?

Been reading Dan Savage since '98 and this seemed straight from that time period.

I am liking this based entirely upon your use of the phrase "Carnegie steel".

So I've followed your plight off and on over the last few weeks here but never commented, but seeing how I'm also in the restaurant world I'll throw you my own idiot take on things. First of all, as a career alcoholic and serial destroyer of relationships, both romantic, professional, personal, and familial, the best

But act now, cause prices aren't gonna be this low ever again!!!

Moving on to the choice of name…