
This sounds like a perfect early summer book. Get you in the mood to get out on the road.

The Professional. Great movie, and one I need to rewatch again. Soon.

Can't agree with this more. Between him and Bowie I'm not sure who I think is the better performer/celeb/all around seemingly decent human being who just happens to have a hell of a lot more talent than the rest of us.

I Believe this is def the proper response.

Peter Gabriel is especially unhappy about this.

Yeah, I forgot that's one of his favorite things. Good point. He just seemed more overbearing than necessary this time around.

That's what she said!

Women do not poop. Imma grown ass man and I refuse to accept that women take enormous shits just like us guys.

Don't forget the Jell-O Salad!

Thanks for THAT visual. Good Lord.

Just my two cents, but seems Dan is sounding a bit pissed off this week. Maybe I'm just reading too much into it, but the first letter writer was just trying to show her thought process when dealing with these calls and texts. Just 'cause you SAY you considered calling the police doesn't mean that's gonna be your

What is that? A penis silhouetted in the air?

I have no idea what this means yet I'm intrigued and horrified at the same time.

This is a true fact, and one that tends to escape most of us straight guys. There is, oddly enough, a lot of dick in porn. Go figure.

yeah, but he's only got one ball…

Is there such a thing as a sexy abacus? So confused, much like everyone else in this thread.

I remember exactly where I was when I heard the news over the work radio about Hartman. Both my boss and myself kinda stopped our pace and were like, What? Easily one of the comedic masterminds of the '90s, and had timing that was always perfect. That it's 16 fucking years tomorrow…damn I'm getting old, and he's

Thursday: Zombies.

That's not car dirt…

Really happy they mentioned Jack Soo from Barney Miller, 'cause, well, Abe Vigoda: Still alive.