HA of course!
HA of course!
Except that some of them aren’t smarter than either one of us...and smart doesn’t equal 2 votes.
I read that earlier today. Glad you linked it bc my dog spilled water on my keyboard and it’s all womky now. Typing is a PITA :(((
Hooray! Dr. Jen (what we call her) is my friend, and she has always been a strong, amazing woman and I am so proud of her! She has written several articles for Slate in the past year, including one where she talks about WHY she became pro-choice and become an OB. She is the fuckin shit, y’all, and I’m so excited to…
that is hella dumb. I was 2 weeks late, they tried to induce labor for my mom, and 16 hours later they STILL had to cut me out.
I just got hit with the ageist thing today re: supporting Bernie over Hillary. “Women of your generation take feminism for granted”. I was like “girl, I work in sports. Come at me” then I cited a bunch of info about why I was for Bernie instead. I’m only young in the relative sense anymore anyway.
omg what is this from? it’s hilarious
Carolina’s total lack of clock awareness is what did them in I think. Seriously, they had NO sense of urgency or even any “hurry up” offense. They barely avoided like 8 delay of game calls, and let nearly 45 seconds just run off the clock in the last 2 minute drive. Like wtf, do you even want it?!?
I currently work for someone with NO IDEA what I do, who has never even been to my side of campus, much less my office. If I wanted to change anything at my job, I’d have to do it myself and “ask forgiveness” later.
I like them a lot, but i also read both regularly , so that probably makes a difference. I will say I hated the one with Ellie and Joanna because I found it lacking any substance at all. I do not care if journos were eating cookies; I care that you make fun of something I missed b/c I was texting my sister. It was the…
OMG I LOVE MY IUD sooooo much. I have no side effects like I did with other bc, but best of all, I can’t use it wrong or improperly, so it just keeps me kid free and with a 2 day light spotting. Also I don’t feel it AT ALL. IT’S AMAZING
I would have laughed witheringly in that guys face. I’ve spent years mastering it and it works wonders. Then I would have very condescendingly explained the definition of what I’m assuming should have been in his vocab ANYWAY. Do not try to shame me, I have no shame. HOWEVER, I DGAF if people like me bc I am the shit.…
Promoting to get this seen. Despite it being common, I’d take it to a museum anyway, and ask to speak to one of the curators. While that particular museum may not need it, they may know what you can do with it to acheive your “goals”.
Right?!? I’m like maybe this is why all your advisors quit: you literally light their advice on fire
I am watching too. This is the first one I’M drinking during though. I’ve already cackled like 4 times
I’d say maybe tell your boss “I like my job, but lately I feel like I’m wanting a bit more of a challenge, or maybe I’m stck in rut. Would it be possible for me to offer my skills as part of project/committee X?” and then come at him with something you can help with, but isn’t necessarily your specific wheelhouse.
signed. Also, what the fuck about how someone could even think those things in 2016!!!
omg I am so sad there is not a liveblog of the debate right now, bc Carson literally just said his pre-debate ritual is to take pieces of paper with advice given to him by others, and then light those papers on fire.
So after reading this I checked out my list this week and it’s by far the best I’ve ever gotten. However, about 3 or 4 weeks ago, I got a playlist that had 3 Pentatonix songs (which I do not listen to) and about 12 Jesus songs. I am an athiest, so I listen to Jesus music approximately never. I don’t know what’s wrong…
I recently rewatched all the HP movies, and when I saw him I went “OMG, It’s Waitlist!!”