True Story Time: The first time I farted in front of my bf, we were cuddling watching a movie post-sex. I coughed and farted right on his dick. I was mortified, but he just laughed and laughed. Last night, he made laugh so hard I farted.
True Story Time: The first time I farted in front of my bf, we were cuddling watching a movie post-sex. I coughed and farted right on his dick. I was mortified, but he just laughed and laughed. Last night, he made laugh so hard I farted.
I love you so much right now, just for this. Teen Girl Squad is the best. I quote Strongbad way too often in daily life.
Many, many cops see the accepting of food/drinks as unethical.
And yet, here you are
This is delightful! I'm so glad you posted it
He & I both wish! We are in CA. He got his name because I am a Cubs/Bears/Blackhawks fan-and basketball licks balls. Why the fuck would you EVER watch basketball when there's hockey on?!?
Nope. I am middle-class and white and 2/3 I’ve done coke with were the same, and 100% of them were middle class I don’t know why people think the middle class doesn’t do a lot of drugs, other than maybe they don’t get caught as often?
the answer is NO. It’s terrible, does not hold up at all, and there is legit no chemistry between the 2 leads-MAGNIFYING their lack of acting ability.
Regardless of which is "better", it largely ignores the fact that there are many MANY jobs that you cannot be a free-lancer/self-employed at. Those services still need to be provided. Touting one as superior ignores the fact that things like the provision of electricity wouldn't even make any damn sense to have as…
OK, but really, if 1 person is offended by 12 people having fun, why didn’t that 1 person just move cars-or why didn’t they invite THAT woman to step off the train at St. Helena’s?
Nope, sounds like he is into you, and you do not reciprocate those feelings. iInstead of getting the hint, he got MORE persistent. I think you did the right thing blocking him, but it sucks you have to tailor your life just because he is clueless/socially awkward.
You’re Next pissed me off because it was scary and then made a hard left to super campy. I wanted to see a horror movie, not a comedy!
I will be a member of said group. I should be putting away laundry and yet, here I am...
I cannot “first” star for some reason, but yes, this. More specifically, THIS:
So on MSN just now I clicked on a story RE: Joe Biden/Elizabeth Warren. I click down to the comments and there is this gem:
One of my good friends, as well as my old boss, moved to Portland and they LOVE it. Like someone said above, it’s a large city with a small town feel. Most people there are really nice(in my experience as a visitor)and there is TONS of stuff to do. Plus as a state much smaller than CA, if you’re into “nature” there…
I think it entirely depends on the individuals involved. I have dated men 10 years older than me who are incredibly immature, and I have dated men my same age or a few years younger and it was fine while it lasted. 6 years isn't that big a deal when you are both focused on the "same" things like working towards…
lol. That is like everyday life for a barista.
yeah, it has an end point, but said endpoint is basically within confines of the law(usually). Like, there were certain things that we were NOT supposed to do per company policy, but we would if the customer was throwing a big enough fit. My first store was super up on policies and procedures, but when I transferred…