
This episode really allayed some of my dragon related concerns. She's finally using them and it fucking awesome. One issue is that she decided to burn the grain supplies instead of just burning the guys-your army needs to eat too right?

The contrivances around the Dragons are too much at this point. First she didn't use them in Kings Landing because she doesn't want to kill innocents, ok fair enough. Then she can't use them because it's too dangerous for her personally… come on! They burnt the combined navies of Essos last season. Why can't Dany just

Yep. They built up how Cersei was hemmed in on all sides by the enemies she has made over god knows how many seasons. Now in 3 episodes all these people are defecting to her, or taking the one keep (Highgarden) left which would have the most food and resources in half a second… as Dany and the Dragons show up. So

Sansa for the Iron Throne 2017!

I can count the times Tyrion actually had a plan workout out on Jaimie's one remaining hand.

The fuck?! So we have had a lot of great, emotionally resonant crossings of paths. But these intersections seems to have come at the cost of any plausibility in the plot. Euron's fleet is everywhere, on opposite sides of the continent from one episode to the next. Jaimie's giant infantry snuck up on Highgarden- which

I mean, that would be obvious though with him having to go up to Jon and be creepy. Jon isn't the type to keep his cards close to his vest -see every other scene with him- if he knew what LF had done he would have gone charging at him sword raised. They've just ruined little finger for me, he seems oblivious, overly

Yep, I can't figure out why they didn't just delay the Bran scene until it made more sense.

I agree, but I think his washing shit out of pans scene went on 10 times longer than it need to.

Also, what the fuck is Littlefinger doing? Why did he sidle up to the King in the North and tell him how much he wanted to bang his stepmom and sister? LF was supposed be a master schemer, and now he's just a creepy uncle.

Jon, the Drama Queen in the North

Maybe they stuck Arya in Braavosi purgatory so that her wandering around the countryside in Westeros would feel warm and nostalgic, because it's working! Please let her get to Winterfell finally.

I repeat:
"He also was in charge when their own fleet was burned, pretty incompetent if you ask me."

She is my fav! Well, now that Cat's dead.

I thought he was stabbed in the spine and he was paralyzed from the waste down. Not sure though.

She is the best tragic figure on the series. I even root for her sometimes.

Yeah! and the leaving mercenaries with cocks intact to provide security for a civilian government in a place they couldn't give less of a shit about, when you have the the loyal, selfless Unsullied as an option.. yep it it is all very dicey. What is to stop the Second Sons from betraying them as soon as Volantis or

And then he betrayed the baby's father for no goddamn reason!

I knew it was forshadowed that she'd burn down the Sept, but I was not expecting every major player to die and then her son to kill himself. I was riveted. Also still hoping for either Marg or Loras to make it out :(

My sister didn't really remember who Arya was assassinating until I reminded her. I was beside myself but then I remembered he hasn't really done much in several years.