
My sister was lost too. I don't think many non book readers would put it together, so it seems like damp revelation.

Yep. Also she doesn't really need Missandei in Westeros- she doesn't need a translator, and presumably Miss doesn't know very much abut the Seven Kingdoms, as compared to Tyrion.

So no, you can't. Lol

Greyworm wanted them to press on attacking while they had the advantage. Sure, you could argue that wouldn't have worked either, but it seems like a better plan than just sitting around waiting.
Tyrion seemed genuinely surprised when the Masters reneged and attacked, that is naive and incompetent. He also was in charge

Yep, how does that make Tyrion worthy of being Hand though? She ideally wants advisors to help her avoid making mistakes, not continue making them.

Tyrion and Jon are not good at their jobs! Stop rewarding them!

Also Leaving Daario in charge of Meereen? The guy who couldn't give a fuck about that place?
The reasoning made no sense. No reason she couldn't have a loyal boytoy general in her army. Also the second sons would be a more valuable fighting force in Westeros than the Unsullied, considering their knowledge of siege

Can you name one wise piece of counsel that he gave her that made a positive difference? He basically led the city to the brink of ruin before she returned. He had no idea she would arrive when she did.

Um, he did nothing as the Masters gathered a force to destroy Meereen and the Harpies gathered up their strength. Without Dany arriving he would have gotten everyone killed.

Thankyou! There was no good reason for her to trust him, and he was wrong over and over again. And his next great plan was pissing off Daario by leaving him behind, and leaving him in charge of Meereen's army. Like what could go wrong???

She'd just recite her titles over and over while he moped around.

Jaime and Bronn are back in King's Landing, they arrived in time to see smoke rising from Baelor's Sept, or where it used to be. I hope Arya lets him out, I presume she was around eavesdropping when Walder bragged about keeping him in a cell.

Yep, after they diverged from the books, Littlefinger's plans make no sense.

i hope so!

Also, as to the last bullet point, with the revelation that Littlefinger took Vale army north purely because he wants Sansa as his partner in chaos-ladder-climbing(as it seemed in the books and the show up to season 5) the decision to swap her with Jeyne was really sloppy by the writers and seemed out of character for

Jaime has gotten steadily more honorable, while Cersei has gotten—not more evil, perhaps, but more morally gray, showing herself willing to kill scores without any consideration for the consequences, or even how her own son will react to his mother killing his wife.
Tell that to poor Edmure- he was supposed to be on

Oh good catch. I think it would be more likely geography wise she bumps into the hound and Berric, but People can teleport and it would probably make more dramatic sense for her to meet up with Dany and the gang.

That's another good point, he'd have more control over the Freys if he could reinstall Edmure at any time.

But Edmure surrendered and spared Jaime a lengthy siege. In the book, Jaime actually fulfills his promise because he's not actually irredeemable with no honor or sense of fair play, and the Oathbreaker name stings him. Keeping his word costs him nothing, and presumably he wants people to think they can surrender to

Yeah, I don't know where they are going with Jaime. The fact that he fucked over Edmure for no reason really seems to go against the whole redemption arc thing.