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Just because it isn't in the impact spot doesn't mean it isn't real. The bullets are firing with an incredible force at a strong solid object.

@Culebra: Ten in 2010! Ten in 2010!

@derek.goeckeritz: They're micro-badges of e-honor. Who in their right mind cares about "achievements?"

@resvrgam: DIMPS was the developer. They're the guys who have made every solid Sonic game in the past 10 years. See: the Sonic Advance series, Sonic Rush, Sonic Pocket Adventure for the Neo Geo, and the daytime (aka the fun) stages from Sonic Unleashed.

@Ornithopterx: From what I understood, the father is like a seahorse. It nurtures and cares for the children. The females are the killers and hunters, while the males are the breeders. Also, the males look like human women, or something.

@thegreatpablo: I remember a part of the official EVE: The Empyrean Age book by Tony Gonzales that states that, while the pod pilots do control the systems of the ship, the ships also have a full crew for all the maintenance tasks.

@themediatrix: No, what he means is you'll say "I like X band" they'll say "Yea, they were good.... when they were indie and didn't sell out. (aka make money) Their old shit is better." No matter what the subject, it usually goes along the lines of that.

@SilentShout: Who even decided that paintings were the mark of a "cultured" society and the thousands of man-hours poured into the art of a game like Warcraft are not? You're being just as dismissive and judgmental as they are.

@azurianlight: Hey I ever tell ya 'bout the time my buddy Keith decided to dig straight down? He thought it'd be safer than huggin' a creeper an' all. Anyway, he gets about 30 blocks down an' lava pours in! Third degree burns over 90% of his body! He even-

Even the music sounds like it was composed by Hideki Naganuma (of JSR fame). Gonna have to try this. Please don't suck.

@Daminshi: There was no demo. What are you talking about?

@99TelepodProblems: Sharktopus VS Gorilladactyl. You can pay me royalties when it comes out SyFy.

@ARCH_27 (TB-3279): If you didn't have to wait for the game to install, would you have still read it? Or would you have pulled it out of the zip file and just started it up, deciding that you'd be able to figure it out?

@MaWeiTao: The question is, did the professor mention to them that the info they would need would be in the manual?

@ARCH_27 (TB-3279): I think its less being bothered to get into it, and more falling into the trap set by today's games that the manual contains everything you'll find out in the first 15 minutes anyway.

How many games these days do you have to read the manual though? 99.9% (made up statistic) of games in the past at least 7 years were completely pickup and play.

@Chestnut Bowl: I remember buying the EU version and getting import discs just to play Shenmue 2. All I can say is one thing. Kowloon can fuck itself in a fire.

@huginn: Goddamnit Hymir. Small world, eh? I'm trying to get one of my buddies to hit up the Oct. 9th show at the Rex theater. Good venue for it too, it's where I saw JoCo last December.