@huginn: I saw him live in Pittsburgh earlier this year, and his voice sounds exactly like it does on the album. It's one thing I really appreciate about his music, it's the genuine article, not some auto-tuned garbage.
@huginn: I saw him live in Pittsburgh earlier this year, and his voice sounds exactly like it does on the album. It's one thing I really appreciate about his music, it's the genuine article, not some auto-tuned garbage.
@Erwin: Thank you for basically summing up this article's comment threads. Frontalot is not for everyone, but his music is enjoyable to some people, and he does draw quite a crowd at PAX.
@heretrix: Hip hop is all about rapping about the things you enjoy. It doesn't HAVE to be about bitches and whores, money and drugs, or guns and ghettos.
@urbanGECKO: Which MC was that? I can't recollect. I heard him on the Internet...
@INFAMOUSMrChewy: His latest album (Zero Day) is a huge step up in quality over the last ones. Final Boss is pretty good too.
Wonder why there's no video for the single his latest album is named after? (Zero Day)
@yourcitylovesyou: If you've ever spoken to him when he's selling merch before/after his shows, that's just how his voice is.
@Naveral: There needs to be a GoldenEye: Hunting with Q. Desmond Llewelyn in a wheelchair shooting his rocket launcher casts.
@ClevelandRock: Unfortunately, I only got to play the PC version of Nightfire... which was leagues apart from the console version. And I'm talking content, not gameplay. Was the console version good?
@Kolian: In BC2, I've heard the sniper shots actually whiz past me, so I think at least the sniper rifles are projectile based. I'm not usually worried about hearing shots go by me when I'm getting shot at by the other guns, so I'm not sure about those.
@zonk7ate9: I agree that the way we portray "God" in religion is wrong. When I think of a creator, I think of just that. One who creates. Not one who guides. Not one who shapes. Not one who smites or saves. Just the original act of creation. Putting the shit there for the laws that are in place to do with as it will.…
@TacDrol: I'm religious, and I believe everyone has a right to believe in whatever they want. I have no problems with the religous beliefs of any other religion. Even atheism (because it's not a lack of belief, it's a belief of a lacking, which many misunderstand.) The truth is, none of us know who's right and who's…
@Teclys: I rather approach it like this:
@Ursus-Veritas: It's just the Bond theme in general. We are so starved of it thanks to the last two movies that it automatically makes anything that uses it awesome.
What the... Activision doing something that isn't a total cashgrab? Hey, I'll deal. This looks a hell of a lot like Everything or Nothing... and that's perfectly fine in my book. EoN rocked.
@Vintage: You obviously only play games that are CoD Clones then. Every shooter has its own feel. The combat can be slow and stead or it can be visceral and fast paced (or anywhere in the spectrum). The weapons can feel like they have weight and power to 'em, or they can feel like you're shooting blanks. Enemies…
@Vintage: If you cannot even tell how two shooters look and feel different from each other, you've already lost.
@Vintage: Lot's of games had Split Screen back in the day, don't act like it was unique to GoldenEye.
@TheGMan323: It's why GoldenEye, Unreal Tournament, and Quake are highly regarded as the best FPS games of their generation. Now days, devs cater to the LCD, and dummy down shooters so that Joe Blow doesn't have to worry about knowing where the nearest heath pickup is. He doesn't have to know the map's layout, since…