
Ethan Hunt wearing a Feige face mask! We still have time, make it render!

Gotta agree. The first one was a breath of fresh air. And knowing how many fingers are in the pot, in the movie industry, I was so glad it managed to stick the landing. It actually had one of those old-school ‘let the person create what they want without any mandates or footnotes given’ feel about it. The 2nd one was

Luckily he didn’t have to think of what kind of vase of flowers to get. I get the need to reposition oneself away from however over-the-top ornateness came before, but this has to be one the most minimalist looking world-buildings ever. I think only that metal worm mural and that bronze bull-fighter ‘n’ painting of

If you’re one to get comfortably bogged down with all that semantics then maybe you shouldn’t bother yourself with Tarantino. Maybe even forget cinema altogether :/

I guess the title Day of the Jackal was already taken?

This... is an attitude I sincerely respect.

I think Dan needs some competition.

Let’s get you outta the grey shall we? There, that’s better.

The seats fly now?

Seriously? Not one jab at “but the sand gets everywhere”? 

Did they pluck this guy straight out of summer school?

Frank Drebin: “I have a particular set of skills... in fact, here he comes now... I’d like you to meet Trevor Setofskills.”

I actually enjoy Nolan’s brand of humour.


Then there’s Tom Cruise in Jerry Maguire, and yet we still end up rooting for him. Somehow. But that’s just a great script.

Yup. And let’s add to that Tom Cruise in Jerry Maguire. Even though he starts out even trying to be a better person (with his ‘mission statement’) he is a bit damaged (incapable of being alone). 

I loved The Wedding Guest. Can’t wait for this one!

He and Sissy are magnetic in In The Bedroom, but I so enjoy his character arc in Shakespeare In Love, from oligarch-esque to “everyone be quite, art is happening!”