
Apparently they’re killing two birds with one stone; OppenBarbie.

Which is incredibly ironic, considering the title of Nolan’s next film is Wheelies On A Dirt Bike During Phaser Battles.

We need an article listing Tom’s best hair per movie as well, here’s my best pick:

I feel exactly the same way. I don’t even want to think about his age, I don’t want to think of these next couple of outings as victory laps, but am just glad he’s still at it. Funnily enough, one day we’ll be able to look back and see his ‘big picture’ and realize he was just producing a historical tapestry of it ALL(

Yeah, it shows you 24 slides in one second so be careful what you ask for.

I’ll see your Willis soliloquy, and raise you a Fichtner: “...requesting the permission to shake the hand of the daughter of the bravest ma...” sniff sniff... I can’t... too soon...

Cool, cool. AvP is fun!

Yeah, but come on... he’s bringing vests back into fashion.

“...yes, YES, and the moon is made of cheeeeese... it’s all best guess here.”

Re: “it’s also unapologetically stupid”... well, that’s just the inherent beauty of cinema(!)...also, that is really what makes the pleasure so guilty now, isn’t it. Different levels of cheesy are soo good. Thomas Crown Affair and Da Vinci Code are big budget examples of the cheesy guilty pleasures.

I know it won’t happen, but I hope/would love for him to go the Jackie Brown route; direct other people’s written word. Even Elmore praises it. Sure, Tarantino does some good stuff when he’s directing his own verbalage, but honestly, he shines at working with other people’s stuff. It’s a sad loss that he never did


Adding on to everyone else... there is absolutely nothing guilty about it, it is just a good movie, and it has stood the test of time. It’s just a good, kiiiinda really good movie. If yer still sitting there when a movie ends, and not jumping onto the next thing to do... that is a good movie. Oxford Blues is a guilty

How old is she, TWELVE years old?! It’s called a contract. It’s called an ad campaign. Unless the contract went as far as to say they would hold your hand and tuck you in at night, they don’t owe you sh**. Welcome to the (real) world. This site, other sites, lots of sites and magazines and the such around the world hav

At the very least, it definitely belongs in the top ten (not at #13). At least bump Catch Me If you Can out of the top ten :/

While in Oxford Blues (my #1 guilty-not-guilty pleasure to this day ever since I went to the premiere) and Arachnophobia, he delivered his lines in such a whisper-like manner, yet still managed to hypnotically hold your attention. R.I.P.

Everyone knows Barbie comes only with accessories ;)

Actually, I didn’t realize that. Yeah, it should be interesting.

Dang, consistently... what a great head on her shoulders she has. I couldn’t agree more. The Robin and Steve bits from season 3 are still my fave moments. It’s just so refreshing; just having characters that just be, just live their lives, and not just waiting for someone to walk into theirs.