Yeah, but come on... he’s bringing vests back into fashion.
Yeah, but come on... he’s bringing vests back into fashion.
“...yes, YES, and the moon is made of cheeeeese... it’s all best guess here.”
Re: “it’s also unapologetically stupid”... well, that’s just the inherent beauty of cinema(!)...also, that is really what makes the pleasure so guilty now, isn’t it. Different levels of cheesy are soo good. Thomas Crown Affair and Da Vinci Code are big budget examples of the cheesy guilty pleasures.
I know it won’t happen, but I hope/would love for him to go the Jackie Brown route; direct other people’s written word. Even Elmore praises it. Sure, Tarantino does some good stuff when he’s directing his own verbalage, but honestly, he shines at working with other people’s stuff. It’s a sad loss that he never did…
Adding on to everyone else... there is absolutely nothing guilty about it, it is just a good movie, and it has stood the test of time. It’s just a good, kiiiinda really good movie. If yer still sitting there when a movie ends, and not jumping onto the next thing to do... that is a good movie. Oxford Blues is a guilty…
How old is she, TWELVE years old?! It’s called a contract. It’s called an ad campaign. Unless the contract went as far as to say they would hold your hand and tuck you in at night, they don’t owe you sh**. Welcome to the (real) world. This site, other sites, lots of sites and magazines and the such around the world hav…
At the very least, it definitely belongs in the top ten (not at #13). At least bump Catch Me If you Can out of the top ten :/
While in Oxford Blues (my #1 guilty-not-guilty pleasure to this day ever since I went to the premiere) and Arachnophobia, he delivered his lines in such a whisper-like manner, yet still managed to hypnotically hold your attention. R.I.P.
Everyone knows Barbie comes only with accessories ;)
Actually, I didn’t realize that. Yeah, it should be interesting.
Re: “Indy just needed to find his family...” Yup. Exactly. What a massive missed opportunity not having the Oxley character be Short-Round(!). Instead we’re treated to a character with some past history with Indy that he’s looking for (a role tailor made for Short-Round), we already have another past character made to…
I thought Gunn and company are starting from scratch(?). Did they say they want to use her again as Supergirl? If so that would be fantastic. I thought she was the best part of the movie and figured that was the last of it...
Cough- Sasha Calle as the new Wonder Woman -Cough. Problem solved.
Me too. I really love that Tom has always wanted and keeps asking before each movie for her to come back. He even got a cameo out of one of her henchmen for Ghost Protocol I believe.