
As someone in ‘that’ industry I have to back you up and agree. After all the art direction and posing and variations, there is absolutely no reasoning much less excuse for a photo selection like that to be used by/for a major (1) publication, (2) movie star, and (3) movie.

Margaret Qualley. Nice one.

They say initial previews of his Hey Go-Lean and I Knock The Wine are real toe-tappers ;)

Fun fact: Pitt, Cruise, and Kosinski were already set to do Ford v Ferrari and got as far as an actual table read but the execs deemed it to expensive and so was scrapped. Kosinski and Cruise went off and made Top Gun with that same tech. Cruise and Pitt have often wanted to find a project to work together again. Some

Couldn’t they have just trimmed that kindergarten-level conversation between stalls at that open market? For a long split second I thought the movie was going to play out in real time, my god my ears were bleeding from that.


Oh please, there’s still so much to be mined:

Ah, the bane of a lot of community centre librarians out there, always giving patrons glaring looks when they returned their signed out copy of Mad mag, having to unfold that back page and put it back in circulation only for the page to spring back to being folded. Those mags never stayed on the shelf for long anyways.

Seconded. While it does look beachin’, I’m hoping they have room for one more joke in the movie.

Does the board game also take the first hour to just sit around and talk before anything happens? Asking for a friend. Well, more like an acquaintance :/

The cool little kid in Terry Gilliam’s Adventures of Baron Munchausen also got an Oscar ;)

McFayden also plays a rather cheesy wimp of a man (the sheriff) in Ridley Scott’s Robin Hood, and does so quite effortlessly. It’s a beaut to behold if not studied.

I can see this playing well in the south... hee hee, the deep south.

On the one hand, “world’s are colliding here, Jerry” so I don’t know how to feel about that. On the other hand they could just go the route of two gals find out their two-timing boyfriend is one and the same, so they decide to have some hijinks at his expense, but then they play the enemies-to-friends trope and

I’ve watched it a coupla times already when it came out, don’t remember any twist. No biggie, will FF to somewheres around the end and see...

What's the twist?

The other backup singer popped up as a mom in that  Wachowski sisters space opera flick... and took me forever to clue in that it was the same guy in that Once movie.

I too am (seriously) pleasantly surprised it’s up at #2. I’ve championed The Commitments countless times to those movie reactors on you tube, to no avail. When The Phantom Menace came out... when it started I was so giddy recognizing one of the pilots, and then the ship gets blown up I actually mumbled out loud in the