“...you don’t play against the guys, like I have to.”
“...you don’t play against the guys, like I have to.”
A little typo... Hulu says it doesn’t come out till the 18th.
It’s just so sad that she’s the only woman director to have to compete against the men :/
My usual go-to fave line is “New York Times called it a wakeup call... they’re talking to Denzel for the movie.”
Reiner’s The Sure Thing is perfection as well... the man was on a roll.
I hope he never tells, 500 coins can buy a lot of gold!
“Well I can’t see him either, I seemed to have misplaced my binocue-laahs.”
And to paraphrase: “England? Yeah, y’now... land o Mary f**kin fish n Poppins chips. England!”
Rock n Rolla, Contagion, Silverado...
I knew it, The Core IS a good movie :P
So Justice League imax, or Aquaman imax? It’s starting to get confusing but 16:9 across the board would be pretty great.
I hope they bring in David Tennant occasionally for some devilish symmetry ;)
So seconded. It truly is one of those times when you can say a director is a master of their craft; to juggle so much weight, keep everything afloat without showing your hands and still make it all look so natural or effortless, like no one is behind the curtain pulling the strings. Sometimes I just outright stare AT…
Charlotte Rampling. That's all you had to say.
I really hope this will be a shared-universe with his Ken and Barbie movie.