Rogue Biscotti

You could take position that those things don’t really matter, no like [insert your pet issue here], but that’s just moving the goalposts. Bottom line: saying Joe Bide has done “nothing” he said he would is inaccurate on its face; it is a lie.

Also Meg: It Will Come Back To You, which is a prequel about yacht rockers fighting giant sharks in the ‘70s.

People need to mind their own business. Over the past two years, I’ve lost some weight after no particular “diet,” just trying to reduce my intake and be a little more active. The pandemic depression certainly helped (I tend to be a do-nothing, eat-nothing kind of depressed).

Infuriating news at any time but doubly so on International Holocaust Remembrance Day. :(

I’m old enough, and the catholic grade school I attended was progressive enough (go, Jesuits!) that we learned about the Holocaust from an actual survivor. It was horrifying. It was something I’ll never forget because her story was personal. Similarly, we learned about the civil rights movement by listening to an

I think the meeting went something like this:
-Marketing: People are eating us alive about the book of Boba Fett.
-Executive (snorts a line): But it’s Boba Fett!! THIS. WAS. SUPPOSED TO. BE. A. SLAMDUNK!!!!
-Producer: We have to save this.
-Intern (opens the door): E-excuse me sirs, um, I was told to tell you that the

I like the idea of him being a gearhead and that part of story will involve him doing things with a more pseudo-steampunk, DIY vibe, but I’m more concerned with how this film is going to distinguish itself from Nolan’s trilogy.

Many years ago at the very beginning of the Obama Administration I went to a talk that Howard Dean gave at my university. This was at the height of the ACA negotiations and I asked Dean at what point Democrats needed to abandon attempts at bipartisanship with Republicans. His answer back then in 2009 was that they