Rogue Biscotti

The venn diagram of people who would criminalize abortion and people who think you should be allowed to shoot a would-be burglar in the back as he tries to flee your home is basically just a circle. It's not about whether you think fetuses are people, but whether you think women are. 

This is so gross on so many levels. If you really want to protect children keep them away from religious institutions. That’s where the vast majority of pedophiles work and live. Those in charge are happy to import them from other branches if there is a shortage. There are literally thousands of receipts. And victims. 

My dad complained to me once that my brother wasn’t very motivated or ambitious unlike me. I had to carefully explain that because my dad favored my brother, sent him to private schools, gave him money to travel, paid for tutors, and put him in a room with wealthy elite people so he could marry one, which he did, that

Votes have consequences. People could not hold their nose or lift their butts off the couch to vote for Hillary, so an easily-manipulated autocratic buffoon got to power, and now we’re on the path to exchanging a somewhat screwed-up democracy (where voters do not elect directly the most powerful figure of government) f

Counterpoint - this looks cool as hell. 

Universal health care is only a small part of the problem.

/reads entire page in John Davis’ voice 

I’ve been trying to put my finger on what’s been off about this show, and it didn’t really come together until the third act of this episode.

I remember as a kid sitting on the floor of my dad’s living room, the lights out, watching the original Star Wars trilogy on VHS and having my mind blown at the incredible worlds, aliens, and characters created by George Lucas and Ralph McQuarrie, among many other contributors. I remember being smitten by a princess

How about one with the “full Dale” treatment?

The early sixth-gen Chevy Monte Carlo. It kills me, but it’s us. Awful.

Any full-sized station wagon. Before SUVs there were these, and no other country made them with this kind of...presence.

For me, it’s the ‘64 1/2 Mustang, especially the hardtop.

It’s this and there’s no other even close

Honestly, the correct answer is the Model T.


I’m glad they took the time to get Vader’s voice right. When they brought JEJ back in Rebels to right Ahsoka and even in Rogue One, it they were just so happy to have him back to do the voice they didn’t bother to give him notes and it just sounded off. Its probable they did the voice modulation thing they did with

I think he’s part of a very small minority of good critical thinkers, honestly.

I think plenty of experience in real life with other vehicles would give someone the same sense of physics and know to be gentle and smooth. You know not to jerk the wheel on the highway or drop the clutch on a stick, and not to go full throttle in most boats until you’re on plane.