Rogers Aching Ticker

I get to write about video games for a living, have cheap rent (thanks Kansas!) but also have fast internet because I live near Kansas City.

Incorrect; none of these cars have spoilers.

Geez, NOMNOM’s boyfriend is a bonehead. It’s bad enough to skip condoms in any situation when your partner wouldn’t be okay with that behavior, but what kind of idiot goes bareback without permission 1) with his partner in the room, and 2) during their first threesome? I have to assume that this guy is actively trying

You know what, I agree, and mainstream wasn’t a good word for it at all, and legitimatizing an even worse word. What I meant with the NPR-sheen was trying to acknowledge that, but that’s not enough.

Agree 100% - in fact perfect example 20/20 (which is exactly the same just AbC’s version) had the same case in 1 hour and 45 min that the podcast Over My Dead Body did over 6 weeks? They did it with the podcast people.  

Serial did not legitimize modern True Crime as entertainment in any way, unless you were born in 1989. Paradise Lost, The Staircase, Central Park Five. You don’t have to go back to penny dreadfuls to find the genre.

Just this week I learned that someone I knew was horrifically murdered (we weren’t close, she consulted for my company a couple of times). Out of respect for privacy I won’t post any links, but right now national news outlets are distilling her entire life, all its successes and failures and experiences she had, down

the movie actually just isn’t very good

It doesn’t help that the rest of his letter is bragging up his degrees, good looks and the time he fucked a lady who knocked on his door to borrow eggs. Guy kinda sounds like a twat

He’s Russian. He’s probably like 48 yrs old.

Counterpoint: fuck that noise. CEOs and quite a few politicians are sociopathic by nature and don’t need movies to tell them to be. Mafia leaders and gang members might identify to a degree to gangster movies, but it doesn’t mean they wouldn’t be doing the same things even if they didn’t exist. Most gang members were

I disagree - it is precisely this kind of art that showed me that a life of crime wasn’t for me - the highs are never worth the lows. Also Jim Spanfeller can eat a dick. 

You shouldn’t say it if you’re black, either.

In my experience, there’s about an 80/20 split on that scene. 80% of people think that was the single most uncomfortable sex scene they’d ever seen. The other 20% believe that the uncomfortableness is the point, and that Snyder was attempting to make a deep and meaningful statement about the broken psyches of Laurie

Especially because it is probably far, far easier to get a vasectomy reversed than get an abortion, which in some places, is becoming almost impossible unless you have or can get your hands on lots of money. ...And given what’s on the SCOTUS docket this season, the amount of money will need to scale up for

Interesting opinion from a person who no one cares about. 

My parents gave me a copy to read on vacation when I was probably 12.  I can only assume they either hadn’t read it, or had for gotten/blocked out all the huge vagina stuff.  I was like “what the hell am I reading??”

I am an unapologetic sucker for the first twenty years of U2 (Pop is a pretty good album with some of the best rock lyrics of all time, come at me) and “With or Without You” is one of my favorite songs, and yet it’s SO blatant that at first I questioned it’s use ... but then I got into it ... and then when they cut

You can do eeet!