Rogers Aching Ticker

If they ever got to make the movie where Spider-Man meets Kraven, or Venom, or Morbius (and I suspect this will only happen over Kevin Feige’s dead body), Spider-Man would be the villain. He’d be a mean guy from Queens who beats up anti-heroes because he doesn’t understand that they only murder people for really good

Worse: a CGI lion.

No joke. For those who weren’t keeping score, in that trailer it was Lions 1, Kraven 0!

This is tempting me to rewatch. I remember that a whole lot of years ago, one of the basic cable channels got syndication rights to SatC, and I wound up watching a lot of the first season again. It struck me, compared to the show’s later seasons, just how much more sex there was in these first season with a lot of

Yeah...I don’t find Jeff Dunham’s racist puppet humor funny, but I’d still call him a comedian because he’s recognizably operating in the format of telling jokes with setups and punchlines in order to try to make people laugh. Regardless of what I think of it, comedy is clearly his intent.

You don’t have to do that if you can manage a slightly pained-looking but still smug smirk every time you’re photographed.

Yeah, it’s strange that no one complained about their exhibit on high-heeled shoes, but make it about sneakers and suddenly it’s something no “people who love art museums” could possibly be interested in.

If you read the NYT article, it’s mostly that there’s very little to the exhibit. It features very few of Picasso’s works, and the works it features are all pretty minor. Gadsby’s monologue on Picasso (which is part of the exhibit) makes repeated fun of cubism, but the exhibit only has one tiny piece of Picasso’s

Yeah, and it’s worth noting that the critic mentions it because, apparently, part of the exhibit is that section of Nanette running on loop. So it’s not like he’s gratuitously hating on the special, it’s part of what the Brooklyn Museum has put on display.

I don’t know that the context is really complete, and I’m not actually sure that the Brooklyn Museum is underfunded, even if it is under-attended. A lot of the museum’s social justice focus comes from the fact that, unlike a lot of the better-known museums in Manhattan, which are typically in affluent white

In Inglourious Basterds, there’s a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it flash of a mostly-clothed Julie Dreyfus (Sofie from the Kill Bill films) getting rawdogged by Joseph Goebbels.

I’ve attended more than one BU graduation, and their choices of graduation speaker have tended toward to the tonedeaf. Zaslav’s doing a victory lap right now, because even though they’re being beat in the ratings by NewsMax, he’s super proud that “Republicans are back on CNN again” and because the box office

Went there. The writing program wasn’t huge (although what I took of it as an undergrad was good) and if 5% of that class actually winds up being pro writers of any sort that’d probably be a lot, but by graduation there are still a lot of people with aspirations, reasonable or not. You find aspiring screenwriters all

Did he really do the speech wearing sunglasses, as if BU was giving an honorary doctorate to the world’s lamest Blues Brother?

I dunno, the way the end of the article is written, I think we’re definitely supposed to believe that Chozik does know why they keep inviting her over, which is why Chozik ultimately declines. But I think the whole deal is just that Chozik thought she’d be the journalist who’d get to be there when Holmes heads down to

I think it was the mistaken impression that this will mean less of Musk showing his rightwing nutbag ass on Twitter, as if the reason he was doing that was because of his duties as Twitter CEO, rather than simply being a relentless attention whore. Hiring someone else to make it look like Twitter is a professional

Yeah, I wanted to give Chozik the benefit of the doubt that all of her “I am being seduced by the allure of this couple” vacillation was put on to give a relatively lame profile some sort of narrative angle. I’m guessing the original angle was that the profile would end with Holmes reporting for prison, and then her

The new CEO has gotta be Elizabeth “Call me Liz, now” Holmes. That way, if the justice system ever sees fit to actually make her serve her prison sentence, Musk will be “forced” to step back in to Twitter’s day-to-day operation, since the Woke Mind Virus will have sent his CEO to lockup.

I feel like that’s the least of her concerns. WGA has sites they’re picketing in at least three cities I’ve heard of. I’d try to avoid any sites where the writers on her show are picketing and maybe even the guys who issued the “invitations” on social media, but any PR person worth a damn should be able to reach out

I responded twice because your Ed Norton comment tickled a memory I didn’t have access to until a few minutes after I responded, and I worried that the editing window might close before I could add it to my first comment.