Rogers Aching Ticker

One of the sad things these days is that there is no level of disgrace deep enough for these guys not to have an audience, even if it’s just an audience of people they used to hate and who used to hate them.

I think the difference between Cena and The Rock (and Batista, if we want to go there) is that Batista and Cena currently work with real directors (Gunn, Villeneuve), and Johnson works with Jaume Collet-Serra, who was a director of undistinguished Liam Neeson fare before he became a director of undistinguished Dwayne

The Rock bet big with other people’s money on Black Adam, and he lost. So yeah, now anyone out there who has a grievance with him is going to have their say, and get a sympathetic ear. That’s just Hollywood. If Black Adam had made a billion dollars, the articles would all be about how he’s a genius, and maybe

Also kind of bizarre, since after Gillis advocates for “talk shit get hit” he actually provides the correct answer by pointing out that this was, basically, workplace violence and should be treated as such.

For all the people who do “but...Roman Polanski!” about the Will Smith ban, it’s worth remembering that Will Smith’s ban is mainly not being able to attend the Oscars. He can still be nominated, still win, and (as shown on the night of the ceremony!) still be cheered by the crowd. You know who else can’t attend the

The person who had violence done on them was the real victim, yes, much more so than the husband of the person who turned to violence and profanity because someone made a lame joke about his wife, and more than the person who just had a snarky comment aimed at her. It isn’t like he ripped a wig off her head to point

Gere’s great for all the moments when Flynn has to go from warm and friendly to completely cold-blooded in a blink of an eye. I was also ready for the idea that Gere would be speak-singing his role, but for some reason I had it in my head that maybe Gere was one of those actors who had a dance background—I have

He did well, and Marshall did a good job shooting around Gere’s limitations (as well as Zellwegger’s and Zeta-Jones’s). But I’ve seen Billy Flynn on stage played by someone who can sing and dance (Taye Diggs) and that makes it pretty hard to agree that Gere’s performance is perfect.

Who do I vote for? Kanye, Jared Kushner, or Stephen Miller? This certainly looks like the free and independent Will of the People...

I wonder how many of those votes for him to step down were cast by Elon’s bots. This seems exactly as on the level as his poll to reinstate Trump.

I know, that’s why I said he “has access to money” rather than the typical “he has money.” I’m just pointing out that, while he might not enjoy selling off his stock, he has enough overvalued stock to keep Twitter alive for quite a while, depending on how far he’s willing to take the vanity project of owning his own

I think it’s a reference to the rumor(?) that Rosebud was actually Hearst’s petname for his mistress’s vagina. Y’know, as this relates to the second dictionary definition of seminal.

I wish Twitter would hurry up and die, but the fact remains that Musk has access to enough money to keep it running for quite a while, no matter how disastrously he does things. The big question is if all the self-inflicted bad press he’s getting from this is enough to wreck Tesla’s stock price and have a real impact

I wouldn’t be shocked if at some point soon they reveal that every movie review on this site since April has been written by an AI. 

I think you’re taking the film’s premise—that this is T2's only direct sequel—a little too much to heart. Killing off Newt and Hicks in Alien3 sucked, but I definitely would’ve been less upset about it if we’d had a couple of decades of not-so-great Newt Alien sequels before they decided “Hey, maybe it’s better if she

I think the movie could have worked if John Connor was still around and had forsaken his destiny, growing disillusioned with the idea of being the savior.

I wanted to love Dark Fate. Hamilton’s great, Arnold’s used well, and Natalia Reyes is good. Mackenzie Davis, an actress who’s been awesome everywhere else I’ve seen her, isn’t awesome in this, and the Terminator in this movie is kind of a nothingburger. Cameron ruined things in T2—nothing that’s come since has

HBO Max is still a great service. But Zaslav’s idea of quality programming is “reality” home repair shows, so how much longer is it going to be great? Particularly since now Zaslav isn’t just against creating new content, he’s eager to remove content that’s already there. You get the feeling that the service could

The first season being removed from HBO Max seems like a positive move for them landing on another streamer, unless it’s another of those weird tax loophole deals like the Batgirl thing, where they have destroy the negatives and pinky promise never to allow the project see the light of day.

I’m sure Depp would’ve tried with some extremely distracting and whimsical choice of facial hair, or a bad wig, or a dental appliance. Great thanks to Tarantino for holding the line there.