Rogers Aching Ticker

That would mean not displaying any photos of Wilde on the site, and that is just not going to happen.

Harry Styles was 16 impressionable years of age when Tron: Legacy came out. In his place, that outfit is for private use only.

I hear it’s a scrappy pair of brothers who own that studio, by the name of Warner! Obviously, that’s why they’re so comfortable making small films with unknown filmmakers and obscure musicians. They probably run the whole thing out of their parents’ basement.

The whole 1MDB thing feels like the early days of the Internet, when people would name their websites in the hopes that people going to more popular websites would mistakenly wind up at theirs.

In general, Don’s in the wrong in the way he treats Peggy that season, and the comeuppance he gets at the end (when she jumps ship to the competition) he richly deserves. He treats her, the person who’s done the most to pick up the creative slack he’s caused at the firm with his drunkenness and instability,

The worst thing happening to them is that they worked long and hard on something, and their work got thrown in the garbage. And it’s not like they were working on a b-movie where maybe the actors in it are hoping that it’s quietly released on VOD and no one ever knows they were in it—this was a superhero property,

Now playing

but why he’s seen pouring apple juice into a bowl of Cheerios at one point instead of milk is anyone’s guess

but the Post article wasn’t even funny in a sardonic way. It was just mean.

...and less worry the deal will fall through unexpectedly.

A decent number of process servers I’ve met are current or former law enforcement, and those guys can often find ways to get around the kind of security normal folks get stuck in. Most of the time, process serving is about efficiency and the path of least resistance, and knowing that the person to be served will be at

95% of the time, if you have your lawyers tell your ex-partner’s lawyers that they represent you, the lawyers will get together to agree to accept service, which saves money and cuts off a wasteful avenue for litigation. Sometimes, however, people are jerks about this, and sometimes lawyers are jerks about this, and

They’re cheapskates, who took on a ton of debt to buy WB, and there’s a limited time tax loophole that (I think) enables them to write off the cost of a project that started before the merger occurred but isn’t completed within a certain amount of time after the merger is finalized. This isn’t the only project they

According to the Rolling Stone article a few weeks back (it’s behind a paywall for me now, so sadly I can’t quote it, and what follows is IIRC), one big reason the whole Snyder Cut drama occurred was because Snyder had someone physically remove the hard drives containing his Justice League footage from the studio lot,

Ah, seems like the one lesson WB learned from the Snyder Justice League saga is that you need to secure the footage before you fire the director(s). 

A) DMs aren’t actually private, as this drama demonstrates, but their putatively personal nature makes it easier for the “victim” to make it look like the “aggressor” is stalking or harassing them.

Why not? Wilson’s supposed to be a journalist. Privately contacting a journalist with feedback on their public writing isn’t out of line. Wilson could have used the DM as an opportunity to have a dialogue with the actress, rather than calling attention to it publicly in an effort to preemptively declare herself a

So what you’re saying is that it’s pretty low on the I Know What You Did Last Summer-o-Meter.

Apparently it’s a black twitter thing. Black twitter is sometimes wondrously on-point, but more often, it’s just twitter, with all the garbage that implies.

It’s not just typos:

I haven’t re-read The Vampire Lestat since around the time Queen of the Damned came out, so all this is IIRC, but the reason we considered it a retcon at the time, is because the gymnastics required to turn Lestat from a villain into an anti-hero were absurd, way beyond the first story being told from Louis’s self-pity