
Lighten up, Francis.

The Imperial system is better for measuring pressure as well... say, 25psi is FAR easier to picture in one’s head than 172.369 Kilopascals. WTF is a Pascal??? Or “bar” for that matter, I can’t for life of me picture in my head a “bar”. Unless, of course, one’s talking about somewhere to imbibe in adult beverages :)

“fast posted speed permissible in ideal driving conditions”... you silly, naive man... speed limits are set nowhere NEAR that standard.

1 kph/ 1 mph is also well within the margin of error of a vehicle’s speedometer. I’ve used roadside radar displays as well as a stopwatch to time my own DD (an ‘05 P71) and it’s speedometer reads a good 2 mph fast on O.E. sized tires. So much for “Certified Calibration” LOL!

I have two words for the guy... Cercare aiuto.

Well... this is just fucking stupid. CP.

OhferChrissakes... I’m done with you. If you inferred THAT from my post then you are truly hopeless. Go hide from your shadow, it might just get you when you’re not looking.

What the hell are you replying to???

I like the family friendly version, thanks.

You’ve obviously never been to n.e. Ohio... pretty much anything over 10 years old’s going to be a pile of rust. My DD ‘05 P71 looks OK on the outside but it’s getting damn crispy underneath.

I believe you can go practice self-fornication...

Add Cleveland to that list...

Or just plain ignorant.

He’s pretty good at it, no?

Funny how your ignorant little scenario never seems to happen...

Don’t ruin his little dream...

Yea... like Indiana is the cause of Chicago’s problems... right.

Or maybe one of the bystanders would have shot Boyle. Win!

Chew on this:

Talk to a real estate agent... blight absolutely DOES drive down property values! Take my brother’s house, for instance. His wife an him take fantastic care of the place, hell, it’s got the best curb appeal on his street! However, his next door neighbor to the west’s house is an absolute dump. Shitty paint, scraggly