
A dealership I used to work for had a device called a “deionizer” that did an unbelievable job of eliminating smoke smell for a vehicle’s interior. Even the worst smelling interior would come out smelling fresh (if not a bit ion-y, LOL).

I don’t equate “-istan” with any race but with certain religions, and seeing as I’m a card-carrying Atheist I say fuck all religion, Islam included. Religion is a crutch for weak minded people.

And Illinois really IS Dumbfuckistan...

Gawddamned know-it-alls...

Umm, aluminum boat? Non-ferrous metal, anyone???

It’s about 50/50 where I live (s.w. Cleveland burbs).

Lemmy hated that song with a bloody passion...

Or the one where the RAV4 almost rear-ends an RV because the driver looked away from the road... *smh*

“I feel like the good mechanics would actually make less money if it switches to an hourly wage but that’s just me guessing.” You’re not guessing, you’re right.

Logic doesn’t account for rotted trans cooler lines, etc.

Bingo. Blows my mind how badly Ford has cut warranty times over the last several years, and I’m damn sure all the other mfgrs are doing the same.

None of the dealerships I’ve worked for allowed the techs to cherrypick jobs, when a tech need a job they got the next one up (almost) regardless of what it was. The exception being LOFs as you don’t give your highest paid tech a shit job that pays maybe 3 or 4 tenths and is consider a loss leader for the shop.

It all depends. A regular hourly rate helps the newbs, the chronically lazy, and the guys that never develop the speed to make money at flat rate while penalizing the guys that can make a killing at flat rate.

The dealers aren’t the ones shaving book time, it’s the manufacturers. Trust me, dealers LOVE higher book time for CP work as it enhances their bottom line as well as the tech’s bottom line. The manufacturers are cutting warranty times to unrealistically low levels. trust me, I see it every day.

Dealerships don’t lower the times on warranty work, only the mfgrs do.

Uhhh... if the time is unrealistically short then the dealer is making less too, duh. Think about it.

Anyone... and I mean ANYONE... that relies on their GPS without question is a fucking moron and should not breed. Period.

If you’d pay $5k for an RX300 then you’re a fool. $3K at best is what one of those fugly P.O.S.’s is worth.

Even Mother Nature abhors an RX...

“Quackenbush”??? Seriously???