
Ohio, too.


Nope... I drive a P71 :) . No recall needed.

Why would you want the airbag to go off when you’re rear-ended???

Step One: Disconnect battery.

Guess what? I’m a car guy and I DON’T want to here some douchebag revving his fucking Ferrari or Lambo, dude.

Don’t hold your breath...

“Vanishingly”? On what planet? Certainly not here in n.e. Ohio where the cyclist douchebaggery hasn’t improved one bit.

In the late ‘70s we were led to believe the world would be out of oil by 1986...

To be fair Gawker writers pretty much bring it on themselves. A little pride in their work would go a long way...

I thought it was common knowledge that one should cross railroad tracks at as close to a right angle as one can. Hell, that’s taught in every MSF course in the country!

And you cyclists have the ability to abide by the law, so do it. Too many don’t which is where this animosity comes from.

You are truly evil. Keep up the good work.

Did he died?

My father was a WW2 vet but he passed away back in ‘03, do you know if I would qualify for membership? My youngest brother was in the Army as well.

Wouldn’t surprise me.

And you’re perfectly entitled to be wrong. Which you are.

That’s rich, a Meatchickener criticizing Ohioans...

Now where’d I put my slow-clap meme??? Excellent post.

The Miata was going 37, ergo the cruiser was going 37. The speed limit is 35 therefore your argument is moot.