
So true. I can’t believe the changes I’ve seen in my 25 years working in new-car dealerships (in parts). I don’t envy our techs for what they have to deal with.

I’m rather ambivalent towards unions but your “boss getting laid” comment is preposterous. Show me one, just ONE, incident where someone was fired for that very reason. Just one. I’ll wait.

Not exactly my cup-o-tea but an unriced Integra? Seems to me that’s an automatic NP. At least to me, anyway.

Dafuq is a “Funkmaster Flex”???

Mmmmmmmm, yummy.

I live in n.e. Ohio... Great Lakes Brewing rocks. Trust me.

*close enough, eh?*

Mustangs and MKZ’s are also built at Flat Rock.

That would be “MKX/MKT” as the MKS was built in Chicago.

My long gone and totally unlamented P.O.S. ‘86 Corolla was built in Fremont, CA.

*Checks door jamb on ‘05 P71, Ford Motor Company LTD, Ontario , Canada*

Does Narcan work for a Cobain overdose?

Umm, damn.

I’m not a dad but my last GF was a divorcee with 2 kids so, yea, me too:) .

Why the fuck is this even a thing??? Come on, people, it ain’t that hard!

Uh huh. Sure.

You’re not alone, trust me.

Sarcasm, a difficult concept. It’s not... logical.

Seriously? Holy shit!

Unions, that’s why. The pilot’s union didn’t want their idle chitchat being recorded for long lengths of time.